I am using the fixed voltage plug on my O 22's. I need bulbs for all of them, some screw and some bayonet. What voltage bulb should I get? I want the lanterns to light up, but not melt or be too dim. thanks
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Matt, I really like the 24V lamps (2447) right under the 1447 listings here http://www.autolumination.com/trainbulbs.htm . They run cool and last indefinitely.
Just ordered some of these LED's to try in my Lionel lighted bumpers, but they have not yet arrived...can't comment on operation or brightness. My thought was LED should be cool and not use much power to operate, and they weren't a whole lot more than the regular bulbs. Another option for consideration anyway.
Purchased the LED's from the trainaidsa website and they work fine with my 260 bumbers and my switches and controlers.
Think I'll try the led's. Looks like L2S and L1T would be correct for the o2 switches. vallione is that what you used?
The L1T's are what I ordered and am using.
thanks for the replies
I ordered the L2S and L1T for the O22 switches. They work perfectly. I believe over time I will switch everythning over to these type of bulbs. thanks for the info
Got my LED's last week (white, red & green) and was experimenting with them in my bumpers. Bumpers have a red lens that covers the bulb. The white LED made it kind of pinkish colored. I found the red LED's looked much better under the bumper lens, much more red like the original bulbs.
I don't have any O22 switches so don't know about the lenses, but just a FYI on what I discovered with the bumpers.
Thanks for your information on the red LED's. I was kind of curious what they would look like vs. the white LED's. Might just go and pick a few more up and use the white ones for my accesories.
Since the 022 has red and green lenses, I'd suggest sticking with the white bulbs for those.
Here's a little followup on the led's. The bayonet bulbs I got have a frosted lens and the screw base bulbs have a clear lens. Installed in the switches, the frosted bulbs make the green look a little lighter and bluer, while the clear lens bulbs keep the original green and red colors of the switch lanterns.
The LED's come with different color temperatures. What is listed as white may be cosidered cool white which has a blue tinge to it. Others may specify warm white which closely resembles incadescent light.
It's a matter of experimentation what looks good in different applications.
My white LED's have the frosted top and a blue tinge which look fine to me under my red and green case covers. I do have one repro jewel cap and the red does look a bit funky, but I can live with that. I learned the hard way by never switching the track by turning the jewel case cover, thus the reproduction replacement!!!!