My wife recently bought an MTH O-27 4-6-0 Passenger Train Set for the family. To expand the set's Oval into a Figure 8, she also separately bought four O 31 curves, four 10" straights, and one O 90-degree cross [specifically the
O RealTrax 90 Crossover Track by MTH (MTH401006)].
The train ran perfectly on the oval track for more than a week. But today I tried to expand into the figure 8. Now every time I run the train, the engine stops on top of the 90-degree cross (it seems to be shorting out).
My family and I are all newbies with trains. My wife was only recently inspired to take an interest because we inherited the old set that my grandfather bought for his little boy, my father, after returning from WWII. But parts of that train were in disrepair, so my wife purchased us a brand new set.
Please help with any insight on how to fix this crossover issue.
Thank you!