Let's see your pictures of o gauge overhead wires. I am thinking of adding them to my layout since I am modeling the prr
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Apart from Marty's catenary masterpiece, this thread is probably a year or so too early. When and if MTH re-release theirs, and German maker Sommerfeldt release theirs, and, dare I say, if Scalerail Don can get off the beach and build his new Lei-out, there's not much happening.
Hi all,
We're working on about 300 ft. of Milwaukee prototype catenary for the NorthWest Trunk Lines.
Bill, great job. Please post more.
Bill it does look great, but I want to know where you got all that MTH Catenary from. It's been as rare as rocking horse xxxx for ages.
Hi Bill,
thanks, yes, I'm with you, I don't like the look of the standard MTH product either, looks way too chunky. But what you are doing is a big improvement. I'm going to use the Sommerfeldt stuff when it's released, if it is not too expensive. Some of this European stuff is very pricey. So, if it is too expensive I will make it. Might even do it commercially for sale to the hobby shops.
I have made a bit on my door layout, but it is a bit difficult to see here. I used Marklin wire and made the supports out of piano wire and glass beads.
That Marklin wire looks great. I'm planning on using some in my four track main station, but that's months down the road.
Yesterday I went past Philly's 30th street station approach yard the catenary there is amazing. It would make a great model but probably take five years to build. al
Ah Don, you managed to drag yourself off the beach. That is one of your all time classic images. So, when DO you start your new Lei-out?
Thank you Dave. I wasn't on the beach, it's raining here. Can you beat that! Of course it's 78 degrees so it's not too bad. I just feel sorry for the tourists. I'm headed for the big city (Kahului) next week or if it keeps raining, tomorrow and get some wood to start framing. Haven't finalized the design yet but I know where my towns are going to be. Don
This is a engine I'm not through modifying yet. Headlight will be moved to top of cab and scale Pantographs will be added. Don
Don, You make me ill., it was 9 degrees here last night, just can not get warm. Hope your new layout works out great for you. I appreciate your photos . Fred B
Audi, Hope things get warmer soon. I can't imagine that kind of cold. Don
All I have to say is WOW!! You guys did a great job!