Thank you all for your kind words.
PRRJIM They were used to move molten metal from furnaces to foundries sometimes 2 miles or more, plenty of photos in the Morning Sun Books but due to copyright cannot print any.
Dan. You might be getting mixed up with the slag cars these had crucibles fixed that rotated to tip the molten Slag out. These cars as Ron said cranes lifted the ladle off the car.
Malcolm. I am building eight eventually two first to see how I go.
Randy. I will keep posting on the progress.
I have found I needed 3 jigs in another message I will explain why. It is harder for me to describe than build the things so be please patient with me.
Like anything specialised, especially O scale, building these cars are not cheap but I have always wanted these type of cars for our operations on the layout so I am forking out the cost and the time to build these cars eventually I will show you all the parts needed and two ways, yes, two ways to tackle this project don't ask me why I will tell you eventually . This is something new for me I don't normally spend my valuable layout time on building "freight" cars with the ladle cars I have no choice either build or don't have them. If anyone else has built these cars please feel welcome jump in with ideas. The ladle and chassis are one piece from Shapeways and designed by Stoney Smith Designs. Roo.