I'm planning a structure build for Piedmont Blues, and am starting with a small Clevermodels kit - in this case the Brick Garage with Loft - and changing it into something totally different.
The idea is to use Clevermodels textures for the brickwork, and the roof, which will be sheet metal. The rest will be made from card and wood.
At least, that's the plan!
I'm not sure what industry this could be, though it wont be a rail served structure. The layout is set in 1965 - any suggestions on what it could be would be most appreciated.
The idea is that the original garage structure has been built on top of, the roof removed and a new, flat work area with an enclosed staircase up to both it, and the timber and clapboard tower structure.
I intend to build the structure in the way it would have actually have been built in "reality".
So, the garage structure will take centre stage at the beginning of the build. On top of that, I'll add timber cross beams, and build upwards from there.
I'll post progress photos as and how it goes.