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@leapinlarry posted:

Hey Alan, I signed up for supporting member, hopefully I did it correctly. I love this OGR Forum, it’s so information friendly on most every topic of model railroading. If digital comes with this subscription, that’s fantastic. Happy Railroading Everyone.


Larry, you can contact me via email and I will be more than happy to send your account number and details on how to renew your digital subscription.  Thanks!

Thank you so much, Dave, for your kind words, which are heart warming for me. My overriding goals when I post topics is to entertain, say something that I believe will be interesting about model railroading, and promote the Forum, OGR Magazine and the Greatest Hobby in the World.  Arnold

From what I've seen in the short time with your posts(me piggy backing from someone else on your topics) is that they are always fun and engaging. It is always good to ask great questions and even illustrate what is going on in an entertaining way. I doubt anyone that knows you would argue against that.

I have joined as a supporter of OGR.  Why? Because I like the printed magazine and I enjoy reading it from cover to cover when it comes.  I have had my subscription to OGR from day one!  Also, when I open up the forum (on line), there is an advertising section on the first page.  I have bought from many of the advertisers.  The Menards advertisement gets me right to the update account of "whats new" at Menards.  Looks  like I will be buying a few more cars from Menards. There "new" tank-cars are really sharp.  They seem to be in "O" Scale.  One very interesting fact about ALL railroad cars that Menards sells is they have a different number on each one.  This means, if you can only afford one or two cars from Menards right now, and come back later on to buy the same car, It Will Have A Different Number On It.  Evidentially, Menards keeps an inventory on every rail car they sell and never repeats the number.  Also, all freight cars that Menards sells are printed on every side.  EG: The small single dome tank car has printing on every side and end, plus the 4 little blank spots for putting a label on it that read flammable, etc usually have that label on it.  Pretty snazzy for a train car that cost me only $17.80   

Sincerely yours,   railbear601



Good to  see you on this post Peter. I hope you and your family are well.

Peter wrote one of the best comments on the benefits of the Forum years ago, when he said that it enabled him to become friends with people all across the country. I totally agree. And Peter even took it a step further by starting his York breakfasts. So TY to OGR and Peter for being enablers! I will miss York this year. At least I have the NJHR.


While I've not been active on the Forum for few years, I do look in from time to time. For the past 11 years the Forum has been for me a great source of information, insight and fun/fantastic photos!   Hopefully, I'll have more time to devote to the hobby in the next year or so and I hope to still see a vibrant Forum up and running then, so I'm adding my Support now to help insure that. 

Last edited by FCMR Car 21

Quick question ,if i pay by check will my supporting membership be deducted automatically from my checking account every year ?, or will i get a renewal notice in the mail ?     I just saw a response asking about non automatic billing to your credit card ,which is also my preference ,how do i set up non automatic billing to my credit card ?     Thanks for your help .

Last edited by Gerald Marafioti

Quick question ,if i pay by check will my supporting membership be deducted automatically from my checking account every year ?, or will i get a renewal notice in the mail ?     I just saw a response asking about non automatic billing to your credit card ,which is also my preference ,how do i set up non automatic billing to my credit card ?     Thanks for your help .

Gerald...answers from the horse's mouth in order:



If you pay via credit card, then you will have access to the account where you can set it up to not bill automatically.


Guys...I deleted all if not most of the discussion unrelated to the purpose of this thread.  If you have general questions about your other subscriptions ( print or digital ) then don't use this thread to post those questions.  You can contact OR post your question in the tech support category.

By the way, if you will go to your subscription account, you will see next to and to the right of the type of subscription you have a bold yellow "auto-renew".  You can click on it and change it if you so desire.  If it is not there, then it is not set for "auto-renew".

What $12 will get you approximately.

• ¼ oz of Starbuck’s coffee 
• Lunch at Chili’s
• 30” MTH Real Trax
• 45-degree cross of Real Trax
• A box of used Tubular Track
• A Lionel Hallmark Ornament
• 12 Track Clips
• 2 Big Mac Meals
• 3 York Funnel Cakes
• 12 Trips to the York Men’s room (if you are a generous tipper)
• 2 Subway footlongs and a drink

or knowing that you are supporting a forum that gives you a great amount of fun, information, experience, and TRAINS!

I can't imagine the cost, time, and resources it takes to operate a forum this size with so many page views and bandwidth use but if a $1 a month helps I'll be happy to support OGR's forum.  I know a lot of the time we take for granted what the forum provides in way of content, access to most if not all of the vendors and sponsors, as well as something that is priceless and that is the exchange of personal experience and detailed information.  If you got 1 piece of information or advice that has saved you $12 on a shipping an item, parts for an item, a repair or any other aspect of the hobby think about becoming a supporting member.  I've probably saved that 20 times over.  I guess being a member for over 20 years and knowing what I have gotten out of being here kinda makes me a bit passionate about returning the favor.

Off the soap box.

Last edited by MartyE
@MartyE posted:

What $12 will get you approximately.

• ¼ oz of Starbuck’s coffee 
• Lunch at Chili’s
• 30” MTH Real Trax
• 45-degree cross of Real Trax
• A box of used Tubular Track
• A Lionel Hallmark Ornament
• 12 Track Clips
• 2 Big Mac Meals
• 3 York Funnel Cakes
• 12 Trips to the York Men’s room (if you are a generous tipper)
• 2 Subway footlongs and a drink

or knowing that you are supporting a forum that gives you a great amount of fun, information, experience, and TRAINS!

Off the soap box.


To paraphrase those credit card commercials, “membership in the OGR Forum... priceless”!!!

But I do have to take issue with one item in your list - I already have the 2020 annual Hallmark Lionel ornaments... $12 doesn’t cover even the plastic caboose - all are $19.99   

P.S. and you forgot the partridge in a pear tree  

to:  OGR CEO Publisher----Recently I subscribed as a Digital subscriber (at least I thought I did) but I can't figure out how to bring it up.  As a complete dunce with computer tricks as usual I need some help finding it.  If this is too complicated for a 77 year old in his dotage can I change all this to a paper subscription?   ODD-D   Bob Ottosen

@Odd-d posted:

to:  OGR CEO Publisher----Recently I subscribed as a Digital subscriber (at least I thought I did) but I can't figure out how to bring it up.  As a complete dunce with computer tricks as usual I need some help finding it.  If this is too complicated for a 77 year old in his dotage can I change all this to a paper subscription?   ODD-D   Bob Ottosen

Bob...give me a call (see the cell number in my signature below) and I will help you!

I became a supporting member about 2 weeks ago. Great forum for knowledge and questions for something you need to find out about. 

Besides, OGR has been very grateful to our club supporting our continuing thread under the announcements section. We have not done much in the past 7 months due to us closing the doors temporarily. We do hope to return to our club in mid-October to restart our layout building process on the HO and O gauge layouts. 

Thank you Alan, Allen and Rich.


@MartyE posted:

What $12 will get you approximately.


To touch more on this from what Marty said above. Think of going into a library wanting to find a specific book, author or such and all these hands point you directly to what you are looking for. Naturally it doesn't stop there, the pages turn where your eyes want to go and you find what you have been looking for all this time.

Just think about all the sage advice whether it is electronic, general engine maintenance (model I mean), track design, real knowledge railroad knowledge asked for so you can model it accurately, the list goes on.

I'll never forget following GRJ to see a topic about the Atlantic Steam engines design flaw. How the wires could go into the flywheel killing the engine. That is just one small thing that avoided a repair that would have had me rip some of my hair out.

There are so many more things that heck I wouldn't even know where to begin on. So, to sum up, well worth the price of admission to get a full satisfying show.

@Allegheny posted:

Well 1% down and 9% to go. 

Let's get in there guys and sign up!

I say 1% down and 99% to go. 

While a goal of 10% when you are currently at 1% is commendable, I was always taught to strive and set my goals as high as possible. Where are the other 99% of Forum members? Even though I'm retired, and on a fixed income without a pension, I  see $12 bucks a year for what this forum offers as a great deal. 

I wonder how many of the remaining  99%  are actually active in reading and/or posting here? I would think that a goal of 100% of the active forum members could be achievable.

@Lionelski posted:

I say 1% down and 99% to go. 

While a goal of 10% when you are currently at 1% is commendable, I was always taught to strive and set my goals as high as possible. Where are the other 99% of Forum members? Even though I'm retired, and on a fixed income without a pension, I  see $12 bucks a year for what this forum offers as a great deal. 

I wonder how many of the remaining  99%  are actually active in reading and/or posting here? I would think that a goal of 100% of the active forum members could be achievable.

I like the way you think!  I certainly hope you are correct!


Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Unquestionably the best $12 I’ve spent in recent memory. Just a few benefits of the OGR Forum I have found… 

  • my Legacy base was acting wonky, posted a “request for diagnosis”, and in short order, a couple of the esteemed techie gurus chimed in about the charging problems with the early models... have to call Lionel (and due to some other posts, I know it will be a while to get it repaired)
  • I learned about Len Carparelli’s restoration services, and he recently brought my first train - a 1962 Lionel 637 - back to life 
  • I’ve been introduced to a number of great vendors... Mr. Muffin, Nicholas Smith, Public Delivery Track, etc.
  • and a steady stream of tips, tricks, and inspiration!!!


I’ve already received more than my money’s worth... where do I sign up again???

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