I need to replace two traction tires on the same truck and by taking a close look at the locomotive asked myself "How in the Heck do you get a rubber tire on that?
I need to replace two traction tires on the same truck and by taking a close look at the locomotive asked myself "How in the Heck do you get a rubber tire on that?
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It's in this service tips pdf for the 6-31714
Thanks Moonman. Well looks like a project for not the faint of heart.
Cannot wait to open the cars to wash the windows!
The pantographs are not working on the powered unit and only one on the dummy, looks like the attached will help me out with this too.
Thanks again.
No problem J. Lucky find. I recalled the special issues that have been discussed to keep the Acela working and checked Lionel. It's a really nice train. Extra nice that Lionel documented the procedures.
Take your time and take photos as you disassemble. You'll get it.
Do you have a high speed loop to stretch it out?
J, Just be careful of the 'E' type circlip that you have to remove. It's very small and easy to lose. I dissembled the truck over a tray to retain any parts.
No problem J. Lucky find. I recalled the special issues that have been discussed to keep the Acela working and checked Lionel. It's a really nice train. Extra nice that Lionel documented the procedures.
Take your time and take photos as you disassemble. You'll get it.
Do you have a high speed loop to stretch it out?
I agree if your a hi techi kind of person this train is for you. It takes me 30 minutes to couple up all the cars (6) and the dummy to confirm the IR's are reading.
I just added a min 096 loop on the upper deck and drove the golden spike last weekend.
So I will be testing it out this week. The lower deck has 072 curves with grades of 2 percent, ran a club members ACELA on it and it did not like it....
Rough thing is if one the IRs takes a dump the whole train goes literally dumb.
But I found a few tricks on these to make them easier to set up that I can share later on.
The big thing is KEEP THE WHEELS CLEAN!
J, Just be careful of the 'E' type circlip that you have to remove. It's very small and easy to lose. I dissembled the truck over a tray to retain any parts.
Thanks Nick, saw that little bugger on the instructions, and that's what me work on another project last night...
Circlips almost impossible to retain and/or reinstall.
I used 22 or 24 gauge copper wire around the post and twisted the wire ends to keep it in the groove meant for the circlip. Ran the Acela for the last 3 or 4 years without any problem. Tires are worn out and I will repeat above method.
Marty Fitzhenry says he replaced the IR tethers with wired plugs and the trains reliability was greatly increased. Just something I remember from another tread long ago on this matter
J Daddy posted:I need to replace two traction tires on the same truck and by taking a close look at the locomotive asked myself "How in the Heck do you get a rubber tire on that?
I just finished changing tires and greasing the gear box. I found that 2 of the wheel journals had broken arms when removing from the truck. Lionel does not sell the journals. You have to buy a dummy truck. I received the new truck and found 1 of the arms broken on that. Now I have 1 arm left for parts. Just wanted to give a heads up because you won't really see it until you need to change tires.
There's this list: Things I am glad that I didn't buy. It's written on the back of Things I wish that I had bought.
I never really considered buying this thing - I have no personal North Eastern US background - but zoomy electrics can be appealing. I did see a Lionel Acela on my one and only trip to York in 2005 or so - but it was having some small issues even then.
Maybe a couple of Williams power trucks and some wire tethers could salvage these.
Who resurrected this one from 2015?! I changed the traction tires and it so far so good...
that was 4 years ago... Its been under the layout in its box since. Anyone want the set and full add on cars?
Email me...
Boy am I glad I sold my set!
gg1man posted:Boy am I glad I sold my set!
Yep... I got more use out of my boat.
The purpose here was not to bash Acelas fellas. If someone is doing a change on traction tires they would probably search and get this topic. When they start doing it they might have broken arms on the wheel journals. Would be helpful to help them obtain replacements.
Since it sounds like most of you have personal experience with this set, you might want to check yours.
For what it is worth, I spend part of my evening operating 2 Acelas with all functions operating flawlessly. What a wonderful set to experience. Smooth runners also.
A tip I have found, the gear that is between the worm gears on the catenary arms assembly is mounted with a washer and screw. Very easy to bottom out the washer creating drag on the gear. Loosen 1/4 turn and the arms will move very nicely.
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