thanks everyone for all the feedback and good info.
This just may be my last unanswered question on the ZW-C.
Per Manual:
If a layout contains a Command Base and the ZW Controller is programmed with a
track/train (TR) ID# of 1-6, the ZW Controller will be in TrainMaster Command Control mode when it is powered up.
Note: If you assign ID# 0, the ZW Controller will return to manual mode. Use the handles and levers on the ZW Controller—not your CAB-1 Remote Controller—to operate
the controller. The ZW Controller will, however, respond to the HALT command
from the CAB-1 Remote Controller.
Now the note above makes the earlier explanation about need for the base command being present to use the halt command with the Cab-1 makes sense.
But this also indicates that the ZW-C is now in MANUAL mode (conventional)??? with the Base attached with no Cab-1 functionality except HALT.
Now for the question:
What happens if you put a command engine on the track and throttle up in MANUAL Mode?
a. Just sits there. maybe lights and sounds?
b. just sits there in nuetral until you hit direction button?
c. just sits there until you reprogram the track ID to #1 and pick up the Cab-1?
d. can not think of any other options off hand?
Thanks again