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Apologies if this has been posted before, I did a quick search to see if I didn't see it. One of my friends has gotten into Papercraft recently, and has been building some incredible buildings. He just posted this link on his FB wall and I thought I would share it.


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Yes and you have to remember  not  to down load so many buildings that it  will  be almost impossible to make them all , no matter what you intentions were in the first  place ..... I made that mistake  I have files and files  of real nice cardstock buildings  but I doubt I  will get 50% of them made  even if I go at it  all day every day

........ I guess my eyes were bigger than my belly  .   I think that is the  saying  that is used .........

The Old Main building gas to be enlarged to  a total of 180% - 190% to make it work for my Marx O27 / S sized buildings.

Time to go to Office Depot and get some printing done on heavier stock.  Probably bond it to 1/8" foam board, but I'm looking for suggestions on that..

I'll remove the second story to keep it from overwhelming the rest of my structures.

Last edited by Forty Rod

Okay, after some fiddling around I came up with an increase to 150% for the right size for MY layout.

Strange that Trainroomgary posted a pic of the Tinsley Dry Goods building.  I've decided that's one to start with. I'll be using the front and left side only and fitting it to a flush mount against a backdrop.

Got to do some shopping and finish up a few other projects first (a bucket list of Plasticville kit bashes), but should get to it soon.

My trains are 1950s era Marx O27.  Structures are everything from Marx, to Plasticville with a lot of other stuff thrown in.  I have tin cookie and candy boxes, some ceramic Christmas buildings, K-line, and others... and now some paper and a few scratch or scratch-kit bash combos.  I even have a Menard's quonset hut and a very large "college old main" building made for most of two Pegasus hobbies large gothic structures kits.  (PV kits come without roofs so I'll have to do some trial-and-error engineering to get them right.)

Last edited by Forty Rod

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