Every time I see a couple of RF-16 sharks show up at a decent price on an auction site, I have to fight the urge to pick them up to piece them together into a DR-6-4-2000 (or as the PRR called it, the BP-20). Sure, Weaver made nice ones in brass, but they're almost impossible to find, and when they are, the price is exorbitant. It'd be a fairly easy thing to make, just stick together an RF-16 A & B unit, with some roof detail removed. The trucks from a PA-1 or DL-109 (whichever shows up cheaper) will work fine, though the chassis likely needs extended about 4" (from the PA-1), just like it did for the CNJ DRX-6-4-2000. I believe despite the shark nose, the BP-20 was the same length as the unsharked DR-6-4-2000, at 80'.
The main (and probably ONLY issue) stopping this, is I believe the actual "shark" nose on the BP-20 is longer than on the RF-16, and I have no idea how much, and where. If it were simply splicing in some length beyond the nose, no problem, but I think it's actually the tapering shark profile that needs elongated. I was able to overcome similar issues when I converted Centipede shells (which taper from the cab doors on) to a DRX-6-4-2000 (which are straight from the doors to the windshields) with body filler, but it's one thing to remove a taper from a nose that's straight from top to bottom, and another to elongate one with a "shark" profile.
Anyone have any thoughts on the feasibility of this? Or should I just save up for the next time a Weaver brass one shows up?