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With respect to DCS Proto-Cast, i.e., pushing the button on the Remote and making your voice come through an engine's speaker: Does anyone else have the experience that after you are done broadcasting the engine "fails to respond" to any other command and just keeps rolling down the track at the same speed as when you initially pressed the button on the Remote for the Proto-Cast???

Just F.Y.I. regardless of engine or remote this happens with frustrating consistency.  Solution???  Thoughts??? 

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I have the Rev. L TIU/Remote 4.20 and have used Proto-Cast extensively to play train songs thru PS3 Engines without a hitch.  Signal strength on the 25 foot layout is between 7 and 9.  The only time I get bad sound is when I have my CD player volume to high.   Do you have the same problem when using the Proto-Dispatch MIC?   Hope you find your problem.

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