Is there a part number to get one from lionel?
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Grind off the large spade side of the plug, turn it over and plug it in, put a yellow dab of nail polish to reference which way is up .........phase adaptor complete
P.N. 6SP2983010
Of course, you could always just use two Molex connectors and swap the leads in a little jumper plug.
I had some very old (3) to (2) prong adaptors at the shop. Unfortunately on the Modular layout the PH180's would not phase properly with MTH Z4000's This old three prong adaptor allows for reversing the plug to correct the polarity problem. A new three prong adaptor, you would have to grind the larger prong down to match the small hole in a standard outlet.
nice idea there thanks for the info! i cut the lionel plugs off cause i plug them into a tui mth unit.. So what i am reading here is the polarity is wrong on it?
nice idea there thanks for the info! i cut the lionel plugs off cause i plug them into a tui mth unit.. So what i am reading here is the polarity is wrong on it?
Only of the very early ones
Yea i have 2 new ones and only one old one that has that issiue.. I want to connect all three tracks together.. Really didnt want to buy another brick...
It will tell you the polarity is wrong if you check center rail to center rail one transformer to another. Instead of 0 volts on a command system you will see 36 volts. An engine traveling across this polarity problem will short the system.
This is awesome!!! I am connecting 3 loops, 2 with a newer ZW 6-32930 and the third with a 180 watt Power Master that is older. I have no wiring issues and when I explained my problem to the Lionel tech yesterday he was adamant that it was a wiring issue without mentioning a possible phase issue on the Power Master. Now I can stop banging my head against wall!
Powermaster voltage controllers do not have any phase/polarity issue. The problem is with the Powerhouse transformer.
oops, 180 watt Powerhouse is what I ment.
Jeez you guys scare me what you are willing to do with 120 VAC.
If you are handy, go to your local hardware store, get a polarized two pole plug, preferably UL recognized. $2.50 for a cheap one, up to $20 for the best Hubbell plugs.
Cut off the existing plug, and put on the new one. You have a one out of two chance of getting the polarity correct. If the new plug or the box it came in has a strip gage, use it.
If you got the polarity wrong, take the plug apart and swap the wires.
One of the reasons you would do this.
Flopping the polarized plug out, still maintains the warranty on the PH transformer. Cut the plug off or open the case, the warranty and UL listing are gone. But I guess that is your choice. We had Lionel (2) PH 180's and (2) MTH Z 4000, neither Lionel transformer would phase out with the MTH transformer.
called Lionel, adapter $2.50 + $9 shipping. Went to Home Depot, picked up adapter for .69 cents - took to grinder and made an adjustment ;-) tested and works!!! Thank you!
There are no out-of-phase bricks under warranty anymore.
There are no out-of-phase bricks under warranty anymore.
Out of phase really depends on what you are trying to match. My two PH 180, by reversing the plugs (now) match two MTH Z 4000's, They were new, no more that three years. If I try to match them (at this point) to a Lionel ZW, modern ZW, or brand new PH 180's most likely I'll be reversing the plugs back to the original configuration.
We had discussed that seperate 120 volt power sources could also cause phasing problems. Home wiring involves an A and B phase. Transformer one plugged into A phase will not match transformer two plugged into B phase. Best to plug all transformer into the same circuit. Commercial wiring involve an A, B and C phase, again best to plug all transformers into the same receptacle/circuit.