Hi everyone, maybe some one can help me out here. I have been trying different type pinstripe tape for my roads and none of it really wants to stick to the painted plywood. I painted it flat black Latex paint. Any suggestions!
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White and yellow paint pens? Should be able to find them at craft stores, at the very least.
I have used my model airplane pinstripe from Hanger 9. The pics below are from 2014 and the pinstripe is still firmly in place.
Although, recently I started using my airbrush and I like those results much more. Takes more time and masking, but looks good.
Have Fun!
Put the old pinstripe down where you want the line. Then put down blue painter's tape or green frog tape (I like the frog tape better) on either side of the pinstripe tape. Peel off the pinstripe tape and press the inside edges of the blue painter's tape or frog tape firmly down and then paint the vacant stripe with the paint pen.
Shouldn't have any bleed through, although street and parking lines aren't perfect anyway.
You may have to wait until the first one dries completely before doing the next one, depending on your line spacing.
I’ve been using the Hanger 9 Ultrastripe as well as Woodland Scenics paint pens on 80 grit emory paper and black craft board. The ultrastripe is a little wide for lane dividers, but good for the wider stripes at stop signs and RR crossings. The WS paint pens work great on 80 grit emory paper, but the tip does wear on that surface. The Ultrastripe sticks so-so on the emory paper. The paint in the WS pen soaks into kraft board so you have to put on several coats.
What paint pens are you using Mike? The width looks better than the WS pens.
Thanks Richie, I am going to give it a try tomorrow, been working on the roof today.
Bob, believe it or not they are cheap $2.50 Paint pens from Walmart. Found them in the craft section.
@West Side Joe posted:
Wow. Not wanting to derail this thread, but can you post a link to more pictures of that brewery? It looks amazing.
@West Side Joe posted:Wow. Not wanting to derail this thread, but can you post a link to more pictures of that brewery? It looks amazing.
It's all good, I thought it looked amazing also!
Foam core board also makes it easier to embed details like gratings and utility access ("manhole") covers. The one caveat I offer is that you should use a very sharp (preferably new) knife blade to cut into the board. Anything less makes for a jagged edge to the hole.
Joe, thanks for the advice. Just wondering where you got your drain grate and manhole lid? Are those scratch built?
Bought both from an Ebay vendor: scalecitydesigns. Here is a link to the gratings:
and to the manhole covers:
I used 1/16" white auto pin striping I bought at the local auto parts store. Applied to white foam core that had been painted with "aged concrete" latex, then brushed on and wiped off Antiquing Glaze. :
Most of these roads look near new and the paint isn't faded or worn. What are your property taxes and other revenue sources like?
@Forty Rod posted:Most of these roads look near new and the paint isn't faded or worn. What are your property taxes and other revenue sources like?
Ok - here's one from a town having financial difficulties.
Hi guys, thanks for all the information! Joe, I am to cheap to spend $4-6 for storm grates or manhole covers. I guess I will have to try and scratch build them.
Pete, great looking roads!
Richie, I think your town needs a little more tax revenue! LOL
Here is what I came up with today, As I stated before I am very heap and if I can scratch build it I will give it a try. Well I got some foam core board down and some white lines and yellow. You might be able to tell, but they are not pinstriping. The white is left over from my control diagram that I had printed up cut into 1/8" strips and the yellow was some yellow duck tape that I did the same with. When your on a small budget, you do what you have to do! LOL
Hope you all enjoy!
I used white auto pinstripe tape on my painted control panel and had the same issue. Good ol' Elmers white glue solved the problem. I recall I had to just let the glue start to dry a little and pushed down on the pinstripe and it lasted for years. Prior to that, the pin stripe would stay in place for a little while and then slowly start to fall off.
@Richie C. posted:
Thanks. I think you've got it down pat.
Lookin' great, Mike. You have come a long way since that slab of concrete out back.