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Especially for those just starting to build their layouts.


While improving the area around the Steam Park in the HPJ-RR, I decided to once and for all resolve the derailing issue that has haunted me for two years now. Whenever I run the MTH Premier Big Boy from its shed, to the turntable and out to the mains, the tender derails at one of the Ross curved turnouts, just as also happens at other Ross turnouts. But this one was the worst offender because it kept the Big Boy trapped.


I discovered that one of the problems is that one of the rails on the turnout (true in all of the Ross curved turnouts I have, anyway) is kinked, and I wondered if by smoothing out the kink would take care of at least this turnout.


As luck would have it, that turnout is in inside a hill. Although I can access to it from the side through access hatch, and from the 22-inch wide service aisle, I really needed to access it from the top.


Fortunately, I had envisioned this potential need when I built this area in May 2012, and built a removable top for the hill that leads to Hidden Pass Mountain. The subject turnout is under this hill’s removable top.


(Click on pictures for greater detail)

Location of problematic turnout kinked rail is beyond the tunnel entrance.

01 Problem Spot med DSC07740


View from the side hatch (but when side panel is removed, the turnout is not quite visible)

02 Problem Site med DSC07736


Voila! The top simply lifts off!

03 Opened Access med DSC07726


View from the side where I will stand to reach (over) the turnout.

04 Opened Access med DSC07733


The removable top.

05 Hill Top med DSC07725


Now I have easy access to the turnout and can see and reach the kinked rail.

06 Kink med DSC07729


Kink no more!

07 KinkRemoved med DSC07730


And all is well.

08 Solved med DSC07740


Moral of the story: A few minutes of planning and building accordingly for ease of maintenance may save you hours and headaches later on.


Just thought I would share . . .




Images (8)
  • 01 Problem Spot med DSC07740
  • 02 Problem Site med DSC07736
  • 03 Opened Access med DSC07726
  • 04 Opened Access med DSC07733
  • 05 Hill Top med DSC07725
  • 06 Kink med DSC07729
  • 07 KinkRemoved med DSC07730
  • 08 Solved med DSC07740
Last edited by Ingeniero No1
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest



I used 46 Atlas and 12 Ross turnouts. All the Ross are curved and I selected them because Atlas did not offer the curvatures I wanted. I had no problem joining the Atlas track or turnouts with the Ross turnouts, as you cans see in some of the pictures, above.


Unfortunately, I had problems getting the Ross turnouts to operate reliably with the DZ1000 machines, and still have problems with some engines and cars derailing on them. I was able to fix a few, as shown above, but others remain a problem.


I have been disappointed with the workmanship on the Ross turnouts I have; is it possible that their straight turnouts are better? If I had to do it over, I would find a way to use all Atlas.


Good luck!





Thanks for the info. I wondered how your experience was with ross. I know the product has a large following, but I have been satisfied with Atlas in the past. It is just that Atlas has just the one curved swith available. I have another question if you don't mind, have you had a problem running scale engines (say a lionel Big Boy) through the 0-56 leg of the atlas curved swtich with 0-72 or larger radius curves immediately after the turnout? Thanks again for any help you can offer.



Originally Posted by kwasny:



Thanks for the info. I wondered how your experience was with ross. I know the product has a large following, but I have been satisfied with Atlas in the past. It is just that Atlas has just the one curved swith available. I have another question if you don't mind, have you had a problem running scale engines (say a lionel Big Boy) through the 0-56 leg of the atlas curved swtich with 0-72 or larger radius curves immediately after the turnout? Thanks again for any help you can offer.




I do not have any switches with Ø56 legs, so I can't help you. The turnouts I have on my layout are Atlas #5's and #7.5's, and RCS #6's & #8's, curved. The latter are Ø96-Ø72 and Ø120-Ø96, and I am having problems with the Big Boy on the Ø72 leg of the #6.



Last edited by Ingeniero No1
Originally Posted by Steamfan77:

Glad you had success Alex. Can you explain the method you used to remove the kink? What tools did you use?







 Here is how I removed the kinks. Different switch from the one shown previously.

(You may have to click on the pictures to be able to see the details, I hope.)


 The kink - on the lower rail between the second and third tie starting from the right.

RCS Kink-1 med DSC07745


Use a piece of metal about two inches long to straddle the kink on the bottom. I used a 1/4" square lathe cutter, and a pair of pliers to squeeze the kink. Shown below before the squeeze.

RCS Kink-2 med DSC07747


And squeeze to smooth out or flatten the kink.  

RCS Kink-3 med DSC07751


Kink removed.

RCS Kink-4 med DSC07753


Hope this helps.




Images (4)
  • RCS Kink-1 med DSC07745
  • RCS Kink-2 med DSC07747
  • RCS Kink-3 med DSC07751
  • RCS Kink-4 med DSC07753
Last edited by Ingeniero No1
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