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Ross 8x16

On another thread I was reading about the use of MTH power distribution blocks for even power delivery around the layout. I'm curious if there are other reputable manufacturers out there that produce these. My dragging-my-feet layout will be double tracked in two ovals on an 8 x 16 single level, with a six track yard and some accessories. Ross track and switches already in house. I plan to space the drops about five to six feet apart on both loops. MTH Z-4000 for the mains and postwar KW/ZW power for signals and accessories. Oh, and no DCS or Command, just conventional operation.

Any ideas?


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  • Ross 8x16
Last edited by 452 Card
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Can someone tell me the exact phrase to put into Amazon to get those bus

@452 Card posted:

Ended up buying these on the 'Zon. $14 bucks apiece with all connectors and mounting spacers. Screws too short for them but that is not a problem. Not sure if I need more. One for the inner loop, one for the outer loop and one for accessory lighting (buildings). I believe the signal system will operate from track power.


What phrase did you type into Amazon to pull them up? Thanks.

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