The Cotton Belt and the Rio Grande were the others to order FTs with couplers vs drawbars between the A and the B. The Rio Grande also bought some with drawbars between the A and the B. There were never drawbars between the Bs. It was a maintenance "feature" .
One must recall this was the first long haul freight diesel locomotive. Up until that time each railroad had it's own interpretation of what was best for that purpose. Then GM comes alone with a one size fits all locomotive??? Not hardly. FTs actually came in more aesthetic variations than just about any other single EMD locomotive before or since. Scott has been trying very hard to balance all these variations with the need to keep costs vs the market in check. It would be easy to discount the couplers at all except the ATSF was the largest purchaser and had almost every variation they could come up with on their units vs the original demonstrators. For example, the "electric" brake was their idea. So, they are the only road to have all three variations of the electric brake; called dynamic brakes by phase III. All roads that had dynamic brakes bought units with phase III brakes so the 3rd rail models will only come with phase III dynamic brakes.
The problem for picky modelers like me is going to be the space between the A and the B with couplers. GM even had to come up with a very short coupler and a different mount for the ATSF. There is very little distance between the back ends of the As and Bs and the trucks. So As and Bs that were really about 18-24" apart are going to be almost 4 times that in the models to accommodate available couplers. So I'm going to be coming up with a short drawbar for mine. Easy and simple solution for me.
FWIW, Intermountain is doing FTs in HO. They are only selling theirs as AB pairs with a very short coupler between them.
Picture of Intermountain ATSF Warbonnet FTs.