Thanks for answering some of these questions and how other's are also intrigued with history and the history of antique train manufacturers.
The "C Bay" was because I've seen that there is a particular rule about a website (and most popular to buy trains from) not to use their full name here. So I've seen every name of a Bay used to reference where the loco in this posting was bought from for expample, but never with the letter e in front of it. So I do not want to get into trouble, and I actually like the no "P" no "R" rule here. All one has to do is go to a gun forum and see it is so insulting. That put me into a "no social media of any kind mindset". People seem friendly and positive here. Nobody gets called a horrible name for owning a 400E, domestic or imported. I enjoyed the original vs. reproduction posting last week. I was going to post, but I thought that one could be a "hotter potato" than regular questions. Maybe I should post there, because of what I explained above about ZERO tinplate-standard gauge in this area and my reason for buying replica tinplate.
When MTH started making tinplate traditions I bought almost everything in every catalog that was the same color as original. We both (my wife & I) were making good money then too. I know I spent 6 figures. Then the internet & the "The Bay" arrived with more & more original prewar. And then by chance I made a bet friend in Germany that started trading me Marklin Spur 1 for Lionel standard gauge. So I finally started seeing my Asian made 10' x 30' train layout looking more & more like a giant fake Rolex watch for $10 at a gas station (just to me). So I ended up selling it all on the C Bay. I even remember worrying about going over 50K in sales 1 year because of tax forms (1099). But I got less than 40% of what I paid and had all receipts. Then, I started over. I'll see if I can post photos of my old all replica layout & collection. 90% is all gone and replaced. I did save replica trains like Rich-Art, Varney-Sirus, Lion Lines States cars with early (1973) Williams 408E etc. I just had so much Bling that it looked like when I saw Pink Floyd! I needed patina, and got it.
I was having trouble inserting photos. Wow! I remember it used to be very hard to do here, like sending to photobucket and stand on 1 foot and double click both buttons. Now it's Ctrl C then Ctrl V! Great! I have photos. This is part of my upstairs house addition for trains up and my wife's want downstairs back when most of it was all replica trains & layout. The only part that turned out so bad is that I could not build the addition onto the old part and walls going all the way up to the ceiling for shelves. Our old house has 10' ceiling. I even made the addition (downstairs) floor step down 1' and 9' ceiling and I still have only half a wall for shelves. Now, I have stacks of banana boxes full of trains that I've forgot I even had.