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I have a U25B PS2 loco and when it drives over the operating track the very next car's front coupler unlocks (the operating track buzzes like I am hitting the uncouple button). This happens every time it goes over that piece of track.

It happens both when the operating track is wired into my AIU box and also when I hook up the manual control.

With the track "on" and nothing moving, when I look at the voltages on the op track ( with the connector facing up)

if I put a meter on screws 1 and 2 I get zero
if I put a meter on screws 2 and 3 I get 18.x volts

if I hit the uncouple button 2 and 3 go to zero.

I looked at the "O gauge companion" but I am still stuck.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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I did some more testing.

1) completely unhooked all wiring off the operating track.
2) ran the U25B over the operating track. First time OK, second loop around front coupler pops on the first railcar after the engine when it gets to the operating track.

3) left wires off
4) switched to my single engine steam locomotove.
5) ran the cars around the track multiple loops, no problems.

Try running the train in the opposite direction so that the orientation of the train and track are the same as before. You will probably see the problem return.

When you turn the track around, you also swap the functions of the auxiliary rails mounted between the main rails. One aux rail is connected to the magnet's coil, and if that rail gets power, it will also activate the magnet. As I said before, look for bridging of the roller from the center rail to the auxiliary rail. Twisted? Crooked? Wide?
Is there a curve close to one end of the operation section?

I think dale is onto something here, a curve in the approach would make a roller hang to the outside. If the roller is off center to that side, you get a short. Swapping the facing changes which activation rail is closer to the curve...
The roller could be re-centering when it hits the uncouple button as that makes it bump up slightly.
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