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I picked up my new tie-jector this weekend and by itself it works fine in cc mode.  Runs both directions and you can turn the ejector on and off.  It is a nice unit. The problem comes when attaching it to the work car.  There is a tether to connect to give additional pickups to make it easier to cross some switches.  When I attach the tether I cannot power up the track.  It acts like there is a short.  The plugs are keyed so there is only one way to plug the tether in.  Also the tether wires are crossed like it shows in the diagram.  The wiring on the work car looks ok.  I cannot see the wiring on the tie-jector as it is internal.  Anyone else wire up a work car yet?  If not I guess I will write Lionel.


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Mystery solved!  The tether shipped with the tie-jector is wrong.  I found the manual for the work car and as you can see in the lower portion of the photo the wires in that tether are straight through. (Could not find the box to see if the actual tether is that way) The tether that comes with the tie-jector has the wires crossed as you can see in the upper diagram in the tie-jector manual.  I uncrossed the wires from the 2nd tether and plugged it back in and everything works fine.tie-jector-2


Images (1)
  • tie-jector-2
Last edited by fredt

Glad things worked out.  But I'm a bit confused.    Since you said the plugs on the tether are keyed (and can only be plugged into the cars one way), did you disconnect one pair of wires from the corresponding plug and rewire that plug to get things working?

Sean didn't seem to encounter this problem.

I'm curious because I plan to purchase a set of these cars.  Thx...



I am using the tether that came with the Tie-Jector car (you have to because the other one is too short) and the wires are crossed over each other like yours was originally and it works fine.  So after I saw this I went back and switched the tether to the one that came with the Work Car (the wires do not cross on that one and it also worked perfectly fine.  Not sure, but both tethers work fine on mine. 

Running in Command mode.  I tried switching wires and they work either way.  Is it possible your issue was something else and maybe you jarred something around while you were playing with the tethers and its not shorting anymore?   Who knows, Its a strange one.

If you switch the wires back does it act up again?

Just a thought,  but you know  the old saying the simplest answer is usually the one, any chance you just had the work car not on track perfectly and when you went to play with tether and you put it back on track ok it worked and was not tether related at all?   Just a thought.

Anyone else out there get the new Tie-Jector and had an issue?

Last edited by Sean's Train Depot

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