Hello Everyone!
This is a continuation of a prior story. I have a Lionel Yellow Belly (6-18043) which the LCRU and sound board both shorted and burned. I received many wonderful suggestions on what to do with the engine and for that I thank everyone.
Now once again I need help. I replaced the LCRU 1 (610-8042-128) board and Sound Board with new parts from Lionel and I cannot get them to work. Tested the sound card and it works just fine but cannot get anything from the LCRU 1 board. The label on the package that contained the board says it is for a single motor steam engine. My question is does the LCRU have to be activated or programmed other than just setting the engine number? I have tested the power leads going into the board and they have full track power going in. Remember that this is an LCRU1 board and not an LCRU2.
Any help would be appreciated.