I have been running my MTH PS1 steam locos conventionally. I basically change direction and blow the whistle. In neutral I can turn on the bell. This is fine for me. However, every once in a while, I lock a steamer in coupler mode accidentally. I am thinking a stray blast of electricity is causing this. Perhaps the whistle button is glitching and the steamer thinks it is two quick blasts of the whistle which means coupler mode? Once in coupler mode that is all the engine will do (fire the couplers). It will not move. It is stuck in neutral. I fool around with it until it comes out.
Does anyone have a cheat sheet as to how to operate these in conventional and how to get back to normal mode if I am locked in a mode such as coupler firing? Or better yet some transformer operating steps when running PS1?
I run a 1940 era ZW that has been modernized. New plug, diodes etc.