One of the issues re power for the American freedom Train that was discovered very late was that the SP GS-4 was too high to be within a lot of clearances for the AFT route east of the Mississippi, so a 2nd engine was needed. They used a Reading T1 4-8-4 for the eastern route.
In truth, that whole thing was a fabrication be a certain individual "involved" with the Reading T1. The clearance diagram for 4449 was "doctored", prior to it being submitted to the then Chessie System headquarters, and indicated that the 4449 was higher and wider than she really was. The Chief Mechanical Officer for the American Freedom Train discovered the "doctored" 4449 clearance drawing some years later, but the "damage" was already done, i.e the Reading T1 was used in the eastern states, especially on the Chessie System, while 4449 waited for her return to AFT service.
I recall reading an article in either OGR or CTT a long time ago about that particular individual who told the committee that the T1 would be a better one because of the clearance issues of the 4449 and he was somehow connected with the T1, he either owned it , was part owner or knew the folks who owned it. I wish I could find the article , I certainly don't want to start a ROW over it.