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This is frustrating with PS3.0 engines. I created a lashup - two Triplexes and a 0-8-8-0 as a pusher - 3 engines total - awesome to watch pulling and pushing a coal consist, but unfortunately all three engines are in the inactive list every time I power up the transformer. And so, I have to address each one and get it back in the active list before I can address the lashup name. And, even when I have them in the active list, I press the lashup name and the engines come up, but individually, not as the lashup, thus I have to start each one, prior to addressing as a lashup.

Also, all three PS3.0 engines above come up whenever I throttle up Z-4000. I only have two other PS3.0 engines (Reading T-1 and PRSL 2-8-0 and neither of these exhibit this behavior.

My DCS is older system and has 4.3 software version.

Is there anything I am doing wrong or what could be going on?

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I dislike the Inactive list.  Is there a way to shut it off? 

No, there is not. However, if you better understand how engines get into the list, it's easier to deal with.

If using the DCS Remote, there are only two ways that an engine can get into the Inactive Engine List:

  • If it's moved there manually by highlighting it in the Active Engine List and then pressing soft key #1, INA.
  • If you press READ, all PS2 and PS3 engines on powered tracks go into the Active Engine List and everything else goes into the Inactive Engine List. This includes all lashups, and all TMCC and Legacy engines.

If using the DCS App, again there are only two ways that an engine can get into the Inactive Engine List:

  • If it's moved there manually on the Engine Roster Screen by tapping Edit at the top of the screen, sliding the engine's "sandwich" icon on its left up into the Active Engine List (iOS/Apple) or tapping its "up arrow" on its left (Android), and then tapping Done at the top of the screen.
  • If you tap Refresh all PS2 and PS3 engines on powered tracks go into the Active Engine List and everything else goes into the Inactive Engine List. This includes all lashups, and all TMCC and Legacy engines.

Also, note that when using either device, when you start up a lashup, all of its members go to the Inactive list. When you start up any lashup's member engine, all lashup's of which it's a member go to the Inactive list.

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Barry, I only have the DCS remote.

In your reply above, "Also, note that when using either device, when you start up a lashup, all of its members go to the Inactive list. When you start up any lashup's member engine, all lashup's of which it's a member go to the Inactive list."

This might add to the problem, as when I start the lashup the engines are coming up in conventional or whatever mode that is, and then I have to get them as well as the lashup name back to the active list, start them turn off smoke, etc. I am throttling the Z-400 handle as fast as I can? The consist sure is neat looking when I get it running.


Last edited by Paul Kallus


when I start the lashup the engines are coming up in conventional or whatever mode that is, and then I have to get them as well as the lashup name back to the active list, start them turn off smoke, etc. I am throttling the Z-400 handle as fast as I can?

Do the following:

  • With power off, locate the lashup in the remote. It doesn't matter if it's in the active or inactive list. Just scroll to it to highlight it but don't press the thumbwheel.
  • Turn up power to the lashup's track on the Z4000 and then immediately press the thumbwheel.
  • The lashup should not come on in conventional mode. It should remain dark and silent.
  • If the lashup started out in the Inactive list, select it again to make it the active engine.
  • Startup the lashup.

If this doesn't work, i.e., one or more of the lashup's members comes up in conventional mode or the DCS Remote shows an error message, one of the following things is most likely the culprit:

  • One or more of the lashup's members are on a track that isn't connected to the TIU with which the member engine was last associated and the TIUs aren't in Super TIU mode in that remote.
  • There's a problem with one or more of the member engines.
  • There's a DCS signal issue on the TIU channel that's powering the lashup's engines.

Further, you should be using DCS 6.1 in all of the layout's TIUs and DCS Remotes. The lashup function has been improved in each new DCS release.

Barry, I tried your suggestion but its still the same issue. They all seem to come up in conventional mode - so I have to bring each engine back into active - start up - and then I can address using the lashup. By the time I get this all done my basement is full of smoke - good thing its a pine scent.

I'd update my DCS but I only have a work laptop and private software is not allowed, so I'll have to get them to the train shop in the coming months.

I have a new layout as of 2012 - and no longer need Super Mode.



 A lot of users have held off updating as the problems that get posted scare them. I did that once myself. Although the bugs are frustrating, I've upgraded every time since. I think many have stayed with 4.2 or similar?

 I'd really recommend going with the newest 6.1. I have had my share of troubles and I've posted them. I really enjoy this latest version so far. Some times we get so far behind that we have to clean house to catch up. So waiting isn't always the easiest or best thing to do!


I have a new layout as of 2012 - and no longer need Super Mode.

So, you have only a single TIU, correct?

They all seem to come up in conventional mode - so I have to bring each engine back into active - start up - and then I can address using the lashup.

Regardless, have you just tried starting up the lashup, even though the engines are in conventional mode? If so, what happens?

Barry - I have two TIUs in operation - one for the RR tracks and one for Super Streets. I use two DCS remotes - one for each - the streets don't intersect the RR tracks and they're powered by different transformers.

I did try activating the lashup right away after turning up throttle power - and while it appears they all start up as one consist - one or more of the three engines is not responding, i.e., they don't move upon scrolling thumbwheel, or in some cases one or more engines moves but one doesn't, and they're fighting each other. I am not sure but it seems all three of these engines will come up in conventional - whether addressed as a lashup or not, which may be related to the lashup problem or not?

I even tried deleting the lashup and re-adding the engines, but its the same result.

I wonder if this is as complex as a real steam consist?!

Last edited by Paul Kallus


I have two TIUs in operation - one for the RR tracks and one for Super Streets. I use two DCS remotes - one for each - the streets don't intersect the RR tracks and they're powered by different transformers.

Put both TIUs in Super mode in both remotes and also ensure that all 4 devices are running the same version of DCS.

one or more of the three engines is not responding, i.e., they don't move upon scrolling thumbwheel, or in some cases one or more engines moves but one doesn't, and they're fighting each other.

Press DIR a few times after startup. This is a known bug in earlier versions (pre DCS 6.0) of the software.

I even tried deleting the lashup and re-adding the engines, but its the same result.

That typically doesn't fix anything.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Barry Broskowitz posted:

Also, note that when using either device, when you start up a lashup, all of its members go to the Inactive list. When you start up any lashup's member engine, all lashup's of which it's a member go to the Inactive list.

That is the part I hate.  What's the purpose or point of an Inactive list?  

There are many times I like to run my trains silent.  In a lashup, when I hit the ENG SND (#4) button, only the sound to the lead engine goes silent.  So I have to go into the Inactive list to re-activate the trailing engine, then select that engine to turn its sound off.  

Now my lashup has gone inactive (While the train is still running).  Have to get that out of Inactive and then select the lashup engine to continue running the way I want.

It's completely frustrating and I can't understand the logic of programing the DCS to do this in the first place.



That is the part I hate.

Yoda: "Let go of your hate. Hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering."

Hate is the path to the dark side of the force.

What's the purpose or point of an Inactive list? It's completely frustrating and I can't understand the logic of programing the DCS to do this in the first place.

The Inactive list is essential when using the ALL ENGINES function. It is also a way to keep engines that are currently active and in use, together for easy access.

There are many times I like to run my trains silent.  In a lashup, when I hit the ENG SND (#4) button, only the sound to the lead engine goes silent.  So I have to go into the Inactive list to re-activate the trailing engine, then select that engine to turn its sound off.

Unfortunately, that's the way things currently work. I consider it to be a defect and have reported it as such to MTH R&D. However, I don't know if or when MTH will change this behavior.

Now my lashup has gone inactive (While the train is still running).  Have to get that out of Inactive and then select the lashup engine to continue running the way I want.

The only way that it's possible for the lashup to go to the Inactive list is if you pressed READ, or you manually moved it there by pressing ENG, selecting the lashup and then pressing the INA soft key. It absolutely cannot go there all by itself.

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Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Paul Kallus posted:

Barry - I have two TIUs in operation - one for the RR tracks and one for Super Streets. I use two DCS remotes - one for each - the streets don't intersect the RR tracks and they're powered by different transformers.


I wonder if this is as complex as a real steam consist?!

Hi Paul.... I'm assuming your tiu  have different IDs (numbers) ??  Right?  Both are not TIU #1.

As for the Steam Consist ( double header) each engine would have it's own head end crew.... Both crews would know when to" Give her" and  when to" back off",,, The lead engineer would control the train brake.  My Dad was a hogger from that time, 40 & 50s.


   Having had a similar problem a while back, Barry solved the problem for me by advising me to make sure my TIU's and HHRC were upgraded to the same change level and then put in Super mode with the correct numbers.  After WillyGee upgraded everything to the identical levels, everything started working correctly once again.

One other thing, make sure the batteries in your HHRC's are charged up correctly or it can lead to other problems also.


Barry - I have two TIUs in operation - one for the RR tracks and one for Super Streets. I use two DCS remotes - one for each - the streets don't intersect the RR tracks and they're powered by different transformers.

Why would you  put  them in super mode?    No need as long as both tiu has it's own ID. (number)????


  In your particular case you could run either way, I think Barry's main point was similar to mine, upgrade to the latest changes and make everything match.  It's more important than you might think, I had a run away long ago from one of my upper levels because of mismatched units.  Cost me a little money to learn that DCS lesson.



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Why would you  put  them in super mode?    No need as long as both tiu has it's own ID. (number)????

I agree. In your case there's no need for Super TIU mode at all. However, In the more general case, such as Paul's, there's a difference.
If one of his lashup's engines was last associated with a TIU that was different from that of the other engines in the lashup, either by being added to that other TIU or via a READ, and the TIUs aren't in Super TIU mode, the engine would not be found when the lashup is selected.

Hi all,

Yes, all TIU's and remotes are version 4.3, and only DCS engines are loaded onto the one TIU.

fwiw, the SuperStreets are controlled by running power via the other TIU (variable channels) and I control them by the Track button on the DCS controller - I suppose that's analogous to what we use to call conventional mode. Doing it this allows me to incrementally vary the voltage to the Streets enabling the vehicles to run a fairly realistic slow speed. I tried controlling them directly from the Z-50 transformer controller but it doesn't have the feather touch that the thumbwheel on the remote controller has. I think the DCS controller allows 0.5 volt increments.

As for my 3 Erie steamers in lashup...a puzzler for sure and I'll endeavor to get my DCS upgraded to 6.1. Am still wondering why they come up on conventional every operating other two PS3.0 engines don't exhibit that behavior, and actually no command control equipped trains should do that. I think I am pretty fast turning up the Z-4000 power lever - and its FXD channels that run the mainlines.

Last edited by Paul Kallus

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