We are trying to flash load a new HO MTH SD70 with the ho_sd70_1784_cv_1701.zip file.
We are using a new TIU with the USB port (Rev. L).
The TIU is being powered by a Z1000 brick and Zcontroller to Fixed input 1
The locomotive is connected directly to fixed out 1 with allegator clips and jumpers
(because we supposedly had track signal problems)
The loader works and then asks for a retry on the "Determine Extended Address" step.
After one or two tries it finds the address, then the type.
When we get to the "Determine Engine Memory Size with TIU" step the programming hangs again and keeps asking for retrys. The error message reads
"No reply to Read/Write command Timeout=500ms."
"The operation has timed out."
And that's as far as we get.
We have tried two locomotives with the same results.
Both our MTH Loader Programs and MS .NET programs are current as far as we know (freshly reloded today).
Any ideas?