I have spent way to much time adjusting my #345 so that it goes down far enough, and retracts enough to actually dump the culvert. I can't seem to get it right. I despise how I have to untie and keep tieing to get it just right. Does someone have a method they use to get these into adjustment?
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The full stroke of the magnet travel is set by the length of travel by the axle pivoting on the 16mm belt, so I have found that with the magnet having just the slightest amount of slack at the pickup point will deliver the culvert onto the ramp drop. To get the magnet to drop a little further, restrict/adjust the movement of the carriage going out to the car - there is a tab on the rail to do this.
More important is that the axle pivoting on the 16mm belt does so freely, and none of the string is twisted.
The issue I am having is getting the length of the string just right when tieing it to the pivoting axle on the 16mm belt. If it is too short, it won't pick up the culverts, too long, it won't drop the culverts off.
Adjust the string to just drop the culvert at the top, and then to get the magnet to drop a little further, restrict/adjust the movement of the carriage going out to the car - there is a tab on the rail to do this. Less travel out = lower reach down for magnet. It may pick up the culvert off-center a little, but it works.