Thank you one and all for the hints, tricks and advise on how to handle this situation. The problem has been fixed and for the benefit of all here is what happened. Gunrunnerjohn and ChooChooBob had the correct answer I goofed and placed the C wire in the D position and vise a verse. I took the time and looked up the scheme in my Greenberg's Repair and Operating Manual 7th Edition page 592 and traced it and that was the problem. I switched the wires to the correct positions and everything is good to go.
Dear Shawn and Gunrunnerjohn
I always replace the post if they need it or not and use modern crimping fasters to the posts. And just for good measure I use a lock or star washer for the nuts not to come loose from the post.
Dear bmoran4
I also originally thought that was the problem "insulating paper between the whistle/direction controller and throttle stalk" as well or maybe the Zenor Diode was bad. Either one of those situation would give you the same out come as well.