John, If this is your first experience with JT Mega Steam, it isn't going to be bad. I really think if you run the smoke a lot more than the first time, it will start smoking and smelling like it is suppose to. Next thing is, what flavor did you buy?
LS1987, Your Statement is somewhat of a two way street. Lionel can only do one thing and that is making right sized trains. MTH has there buildings, and Starter sets. JT Mega Steam has there smoke. I trust JT Mega Steam because the Lionel smoke did not work, the MTH Stuff doesn't smell great. JT Mega Steam is better than Smoke Cloud. That stuff smells worse as it goes along. Mega Steam is the only smoke fluid I use, and the San Diego 3-Railers use it, which has improved how long it takes to clean track and low maintenance on trains.
Now I do this, if I can't smell the scent, I know that the engine needs to have eliminator get run through a few times, put back a scented smoke fluid and it smells like the scent it is suppose to.