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Barry, ordered The DCS Companion 3rd Edition from Amazon's Create Space but with site saying books are printed when ordered, it'll likely take at least a week to get it but have a question I'm hoping you or anyone else familiar with DCS wifi can answer and address the following questions and concerns now.

In a Feb.19th thread Who uses MTH's Proto dispatch or Proto cast? I started asking about the use of Proto dispatch and Protocast some difficulties and idiosyncrasies associated with these two features were mentioned. One which you cited on p.168 of your book, Barry, is losing the ability to issue commands to any DCS engines when using Proto dispatch and also a problem of Proto dispatch on/off button use "bugginess". Do the same or similar shortcomings or problems occur if the DCS wifi app is used to enable Protocast or proto dispatch when utilizing an external mic? Have these features since been debugged with the wifi app and now work smoothly coexisting with all other available DCS features when run by the wifi app?

Last edited by ogaugeguy
Original Post

Do the same or similar shortcomings or problems occur if the DCS wifi app is used to enable Protocast or proto dispatch when utilizing an external mic?

That's difficult for me to say based upon my own experience, since I haven't seen this issue occur at all using the DCS App.

However, absence of a problem isn't proof that the problem doesn't exist. Also, could you edit your post title so that my name is spelled correctly?


Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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