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I have a 30-4039-0 4-8-4 with passenger set, won't get chugging sound or only smokes in natural I did add a photo I believe its from 2000, As you can see it has the black and white stripes on the motor wheel, it did have the black and white tape over it, it started to peel off so I took off, I did order the tape some time ago and now I can't locate. Some time ago I did talk with Midge she said could be tape or something else, any help would be nice I would like to try and fix myself before sending to George in Va. anybody to give me some tips on how to repair would be great! Thank You Mark


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Last edited by Sitka
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i believe Gunrunner John might be able to help you Mark.          Seems to me there was a post about the black and white tape not long ago.

Thanks, I thought that also he gave me the name of George down in Va. he made repairs to a couple boards of mine will go with the tape see if that works first thanks guys.  God Bless our troops in Iraq.

@Sitka posted:

Thanks, I thought that also he gave me the name of George down in Va. he made repairs to a couple boards of mine will go with the tape see if that works first thanks guys.  God Bless our troops in Iraq.

It will work because your symptoms match the known fault condition.

You have a Loco-sound engine. This is semi related to PS2 and uses some of the same wiring and tachometer sensor. Loco-sound, PS2, and PS3 engines- especially steam use the tachometer system (optical sensor, flywheel with stripes) to determine both speed and distance- which is how it times the chuff sound and matching puffing smoke.

When you removed the failing tape- the system no longer knows how fast or how far the motor and known gearing of the wheels has turned to chuff and puff. So again at idle (not moving) the smoke fan is on, however when you begin moving it stops waiting for the tachometer distance and number of stripes to chuff and puff the fan. Again, you disabled that when removing the striped tape from the flywheel.

It will work because your symptoms match the known fault condition.

You have a Loco-sound engine. This is semi related to PS2 and uses some of the same wiring and tachometer sensor. Loco-sound, PS2, and PS3 engines- especially steam use the tachometer system (optical sensor, flywheel with stripes) to determine both speed and distance- which is how it times the chuff sound and matching puffing smoke.

When you removed the failing tape- the system no longer knows how fast or how far the motor and known gearing of the wheels has turned to chuff and puff. So again at idle (not moving) the smoke fan is on, however when you begin moving it stops waiting for the tachometer distance and number of stripes to chuff and puff the fan. Again, you disabled that when removing the striped tape from the flywheel.

Vern Thanks works like new! I know I had one but I misplaced thanks again. Mark

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