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A rare Osisek Circus train will be among the Standard Gauge trains, which SGMA will be running on our modular layout at the Trainfest 2015 train show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 14-15.  Included in this circus train is the super rare "human-cannonball" car, unique to Osisek's circus train.  If you are in the area, please stop by and say 'Hi', and as always, if you have a Standard Gauge train you would like to run on the SGMA layout, simply bring it to the show and ask to run it on the SGMA layout!  No problem!  Looking forward to seeing you!


Bob Nelson

Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Human Cannonball Cannon Car


Images (1)
  • Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Human Cannonball Cannon Car
Last edited by navy.seal
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*BUMP* did a video ever get made that this can be shared here?


I am not sure but I don't think that a video was made by SGMA at that time.  Sorry.  However, below are attached some photos of the unique Osesik circus cars including the cannon car, which actually shot a small wooden clown into the air, and one of some unpainted Osesik circus trailers.

Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Human Cannonball Cannon Car

Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Water Wagons Flatcar 001

Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Water Wagons Flatcar 002

Osisek Shops Unpainted Ticket Wagons 002

Bob Nelson

P.S.  With several thousand in attendance at that show there could well have been videos and/or photos taken by someone other than a SGMA member.


Images (4)
  • Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Human Cannonball Cannon Car
  • Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Water Wagons Flatcar 001
  • Osisek Shops Ives Circus Train Water Wagons Flatcar 002
  • Osisek Shops Unpainted Ticket Wagons 002
Last edited by navy.seal

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