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Hi, I have looked with no success.

What is the length of the RCS #170 Four Way Switch? Also - what is the curve needed to bring the two outside legs into close centers next to the inside two tracks?

If I may continue, what is the benefit or the DZ2500? Is it derail function?

Thanks. I'm switching from Lionel tubular to GG and RCS Switches and am learning...Who knew (maybe everone but me) that the GG072 curves are longer than the Lionel 072 curves?


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The 4 way is about 24" long, give or take a little. If you need a more precise measurement let me know.

You can use any radius curve you want, it will just take more or less distance before it becomes parallel.

Flex track would be my first choice.

The other option if you don't want to cut flex or sectional track would be the transition pieces Ross sells to bring you back to parallel.



Last edited by tr18

Its approximately 24 1/8" end of rail to end of rail, not counting pins.  The switch machine (DZ1000) adds an additional 1 1/8. Happen to have one sitting on my bench.

The DZ2500 is TMCC and can be activated by a TMCC or legacy controller.

The Ross TR35 gives 3.5" spacing (which is what the center tracks are).  The TR 40 gives 4.0" spacing and the TR45 gives 4.5" spacing.



In case you need exact measurements for any other RCS switches, crossings or track, open the RCS homepage (you can use the link on the OGR Forum home page) and click on "Technical" in the top line. You will find all the measurements you need. The #170 4-way is about 2/3 of the way down. RCS says this switch is 24.23" long - previous replies are right.

The other features of the DZ-2500: smaller size, lower profile, single button controller and slow action turnout, fast action non-derail.


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