Thanks for all the responses.
4 engines, (Legacy) 1 Lionel NP Light Mikado with excursion tender, 1 Lionel NP Heavy Mikado, 1 Lionel new Lionel Berkshire NP 765 , the last one is Lionel Odyssey Blue Comet (2003). Running TMMC (have a Legacy controller but have not removed it from the box). Single loop bus wiring. Have a continuity tester, what wires or track do I need to test? Will get a picture and post it tomorrow. Thanks again for all your assistance.
Does that answer(in RED above) imply that all of track is on one power supply?
It doesn't appear like the issue is losing the hot with those engines. it is a track wiring issue.
I would suggest disconnecting the transformer connection, remove all engines and cars from the track and perform continuity testing around the cross-over in Ohms mode.
All center rails should across track joints and the crossover should read infinity. Then, check the outside rails. Outside rail to outside rail should be the same. Outside rail across joints should be the same.
When doing these across the switch you will confirm if all the rails are connected correctly. Finding an area of rail with no reading indicates that section has no connection for power or common.
Disconnecting the transformer isolates the track. There should not be continuity between any center rail and any outside rail with the transformer disconnected. If there is, you have discovered a short.
obviously, you want to focus on the switch, but a missing common connection adjoining the switch could be cause.
get all of the connections correct, connect the transformer and the power will be where it should be.