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Here is a new one for me. 

Barry:  As you recommended I am using Z4k tracks in Super Mode.  I have 3 Z4000's, 3 TIU's, 8 AIU's.  When I press the "Read" DCS Remote button it finds first Z4000 with 1 TIU and 3 AIU's and it finds the second Z4000 with 1 TIU and 2 AiU's, then when it starts to read the 3rd and final Z4000 the power on the left handle or the 3rd Z4000 goes to 0.00.  It continues to report the Z4000 found, 1 TIU and 3 AIU's.  I repeat the "Read" again, same thing, repeat the "Read" again and sometimes the same thing but it has also completed sucessfully without the power going to 0.00.  What is going on?


I am using the "Read" function when I fail to turn power on to the "yard", uses relays to control, before turning Z4k tracks power on.



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First, the READ command does not look for transformers, rather, it looks for TIUs, AIUs and PS2 engines. When pressed READ will:

  • Look for each TIU that is in the DCS Remote that issued the READ and will report which ones it found or did not find of that group. In order to be found, a TIU must be receiving power either via Fixed Channel #1 IN or the Aux. Power port.
  • For each TIU found, it will report how many AIUs it found that are connected to that TIU.
  • If a TIU is not found, it will be reported as "TIU X NOT FOUND".
  • Each engine that it finds that is in the DCS Remote will be moved to the Active Engine List. In order to be found, a PS2 engine must be on a powered track that's connected to a TIU.
  • Each engine that's not found is moved to the remote's Inactive Engine List.

I've never heard of a READ causing a Z4000 handle to drop power, although an an ADD ENGINE command has a bug in DCS that will occasionally cause it to drop Z4000 handle to zero when a Z4000 Remote Commander receiver is plugged into the Z4K.


Two questions:

  • What DCS Release are you using? If not 4.1 or 4.2, you should upgrade to 4.2 and see if the problem goes away.
  • Is this something new or has READ always done this? If it's new, what's changed since this began happening?


Regardless, make certain all of your TIUs and remotes are at the same level of DCS!


This and a whole lot more is all in "The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", now available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book from MTH's web store site! Click on the link below to go to MTH's web page for the book!


Running DCS 4.2 with all new TIU's


Cannot say if it is a new problem.  Really didn't use the READ function much until I put the relays on.  And I usually turn all relays on then power up tracks so that each engine gets the watch dog signal then power off the "yard" tracks.  I only use the READ when I forget to turn relays on before powering up the tracks.


I will remove all engines from the "yard" area to see if that makes any difference.

I use Read to make them active.  That does work correct?

No, it does not.


READ just sorts PS2/PS3 engines between the Active and Inactive engine lists. It does not move them from conventional to DCS command mode.


When READ is pressed, engines that are on powered tracks are moved to the Active Engine List and those not on powered tracks are moved to the Inactive Engine List, as I stated in my first post on this thread. If an engine is in conventional mode, it stays there.


If a PS2/PS3 engine misses the watchdog signal and you later want to power on its siding and put it into DCS mode, dark and silent, you have three ways to do so:

  • Turn off power to the engine's siding's TIU channel, turn on the engine's siding's toggle switch and then turn on the engine's siding's TIU channel
  • Select the engine in the Active Engine List or Inactive Engine List, turn on the engine's siding toggle switch and immediately press the thumbwheel
  • Toggle on the engine's siding, select the engine and press Shutdown.

All three methods will work with individual engines. Only the first two will work with lashups.


This and a whole lot more is all in "The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", now available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book from MTH's web store site! Click on the link below to go to MTH's web page for the book!


Sorry Barry but we are saying the same thing.  I didn't use the words conventional or command.  I was just talking about Active and Inactive Engine lists.  But this is taking my topic off point.  The original question was the "READ" function causes the left side only of the Z4000 to go to 0.00 and it only does it to the last Z4000 of three.

but we are saying the same thing. 

Actually, we weren't.


"Making the engine active" means getting it in the remote's window. That's not the same as moving it to the Active Engine List. This may be semantics, however, that's how I understood what you were saying.

The original question was the "READ" function causes the left side only of the Z4000 to go to 0.00 and it only does it to the last Z4000 of three.

Try swapping Z4000 receivers between the 2nd and 3rd Z4000s. If the problem moves, the receiver is the culprit. If not, the problem lies with the 3rd Z4000 or the remote.

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