Here is a new one for me.
Barry: As you recommended I am using Z4k tracks in Super Mode. I have 3 Z4000's, 3 TIU's, 8 AIU's. When I press the "Read" DCS Remote button it finds first Z4000 with 1 TIU and 3 AIU's and it finds the second Z4000 with 1 TIU and 2 AiU's, then when it starts to read the 3rd and final Z4000 the power on the left handle or the 3rd Z4000 goes to 0.00. It continues to report the Z4000 found, 1 TIU and 3 AIU's. I repeat the "Read" again, same thing, repeat the "Read" again and sometimes the same thing but it has also completed sucessfully without the power going to 0.00. What is going on?
I am using the "Read" function when I fail to turn power on to the "yard", uses relays to control, before turning Z4k tracks power on.