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Hi Guys,

Anyone have recommendations for good, high quality hands tools for hobby use.  In particular, pliers.  I'm looking for a set of pliers to replace the set that I have now.  USA made would be best.  But Swiss, German, Japanese or Polish would be OK.  Please.....NO Chinese, Indian or Pakistani.  I have had use too many poor quality hand tools from those last mentioned countries in the past to ever return using them again.

Thanks in advance,




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For USA made, I prefer Moody (Precision tools) and hand tools Armstrong-These are the "Cadillac" of hand tools - 100% of the line is made in USA. I bought my Moody and Armstrong tools piece by piece over several years - they are very pricey but works of art and warrantied for life.For cut off pliers I use Xuron. Snap on, Proto, Matco and Klein are also excellent.

For German made tools I can recommend Knipex,Wiha,Wera,Felo,Gedore and Witte. Wiha and Wera make excellent precision screwdrivers. On trips to Europe I've picked many of these up as they are very well made. The large Felo and Wera screwdrivers are very comfortable to use if you have arthritic hands. 

For Swiss - PB Swiss - extremely fine tools.

Last edited by Former Member

For small screwdrivers, try Starrett.  They sell a set of straight blades that goes down to watchmaker's sizes.  WIHA also seems to make some nice tools.  I have a set of their socket wrenches on handles in both metric and fractional dimensions and they come in very handy removing side rod screws.   Plumb made nice small 2oz and 4oz ball been hammers that I have been using for over 30 years.

I have Craftsman wire cutters and long nosed pliers that I have been using for years.

Exacto razor saw blades used to be they are of poor quality and don't last long cutting brass.


For pliers, I have an assortment made by Xcelite. They are high quality. Some other good brands are Klein and Xceleta.
Some of the miniature pliers that Craftsman has offered over the years were high quality too.
I like Wiha and Xcelite screwdrivers and nutdrivers too.
I also like Quickwedge screw holding screwdrivers (flat blade).
I purchased a lot of my pliers and screwdrivers from a defunct distributor, and I had a lot of extras. I may still have some to spare. Send me an email using my  profile information if you are interested.

Although little known outside of the electronic/electronic service industry, I too like Xcelite. A lot of neat features designed for the service man. For example, straight bladed screwdrivers that are truly straight shanked, without the widening at the bottom that is common on "automotive" type tools. They also have a lot of special sizes, a 1/8 x 8 inch screwdriver for example. Vast assortment of small pliers and cutters.

Here's a link.

Last edited by PLCProf

Hi Guys,

Here is an offering of a set of pliers that I was considering until I saw "Pakistan" on them.

Jewelers Micro Plier Set

Jewelers Micro Plier Set
 Click Image to Enlarge
  • Jewelers Micro Plier Set
  • Jewelers Micro Plier Set
Value: $90.00
Our Price: $59.95
  • Quantity Discount:
  • buy 2 or more at $48.95 ea
Item #:
<label class="kqtylbl" for="ctl00_cph_prodSku_dlProductSku_ctl00_txtQuantity" id="ctl00_cph_prodSku_dlProductSku_ctl00_lblQuantity">Qty:</label>
<input class="quantityboxdg" id="ctl00_cph_prodSku_dlProductSku_ctl00_txtQuantity" maxlength="3" name="ctl00$cph$prodSku$dlProductSku$ctl00$txtQuantity" type="text" value="1" />

This is from a large outfit that caters to hobbyists.  And this set has the assortment of pliers that I am looking for.

Many thanks to all who have contributed to this search.  I will be spending some time looking through all of the various brands.




If you plan to work on newer equipment, you may want to get some JIS and/or Pozidriv screwdrivers. These screwdrivers (and the screws) are easily mistaken for Phillips head.
When one uses a standard Phillips head driver on a JIS or Pozidriv screw, the driver often lifts out of the "slot" and strips it.
Here is a Wikipedia article on drive types.

During the modern era, Lionel appears to have used both Pozidriv and JIS screws. If you ever work on imported electronics goods, they might come in handy there too.

My Pozidriv screw drivers are Wiha.

My JIS screwdrivers are made by Vessel and Moody Tools.

Both Pozidriv and JIS screwdrivers are a bit more difficult to find. Wiha makes Pozidriv, but not JIS. Sears Craftsman makes neither.  I just checked Snap-on, they also have Pozidriv but not JIS. Moody Tools makes a precision sized JIS set.

So the JIS ones were the most difficult ones for me to find. I purchased a set of the Moody Tools one from, and decided I wanted a standard sized set.
 In the end, I purchased my full sized ones from McMaster-Carr.


Last edited by C W Burfle

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