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I have recently acquired a new, Rev L TIU.  I’d like to install it in place of my existing TIU because of the reportedly higher signal strength and enhanced “Lashup” (MTH’s word) capabilities of this newer version.  Both of which I could benefit from.

My existing TIU is Rev I3A, and the software is V 4.10

My existing remote has software V 4.10

My layout is 2 rail, and I have been running with DCS for about 14 years.

My questions are:

Can I just swap in the new TIU for the old one without changing anything else?

Will all my locomotives and their settings (including lashups and sound settings) be unchanged, or do I have to load them in again?

Do I NEED to upgrade the software on my remote to what’s on the new TIU?

If I need to do an upgrade, can I still go through the MTH website, or do I need to go to a dealer?

Thanks in advance!

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You can swap the tiu without issue if the new tiu has the same address as the old one. (power on the tiu's and make sure the red light flashes the same amount times on both).

If the address are the same, your locomotives will be unchanged and will work without issue on the new tiu. If you need to change the address, then things get a bit more involved but still shouldn't affect your locomotives. The default address for a TIU is 1 (1 flash).

You don't have to upgrade the TIU firmware but it is very strongly recommended that the TIU and remote have the same revision of firmware installed. I have had some users run mismatched version in the past without any problems but you mileage may vary... considerably.

I do believe that all REV. L TIUs came with 4.20 installed by default.

Upgrades can be done at a dealer or you can do it yourself with a Windows based computer. The software and firmware is completely free from the MTH website. Here is a Video that show how the process is done.

Last edited by H1000

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