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Question for the folks that follow this type of stuff.


When did the transistion of wood side reefers to steel side reefers begin. Since there had to be thousands of wood side reefers when the first steel side reefers were released how long did it take for the wood side reefers to disappear from active duty. I am guessing that for a period of time the RR's were running an equal mix of wood side reefers and steel side reefers.


   Bill T.

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Weren't most wood sided reefers also ones that had hatches on the roof to accept ice blocks used for cooling? I think steel reefers were also made that used ice as well as some of the newer ones that used mechanical refrigeration. I do remember driving down US1 through Homestead, FL sometime during the mid 1960's, and being surprised to see a bunch of reefers with ice hatches open, lined up on the FEC tracks in front of some of the local packing houses.


Bill in FtL

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