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I ran my G scale outside today. I was building a large train with 5 engines. When I selected MTH lash-up it reverted back to the previous screen? Did it a few times. I thought maybe the remote was confused.

 So I deleted 2 engines that aren't here anymore. Then, it seemed like the remote was stuck in the engine delete mode? Every time I tried to build, I could go to step #3 and select an engine, and I'd get a note saying the engine was used in lash-ups do I want to proceed with the delete?

 I was building not still deleting! So I cycled power several times. Finally after maybe the third power cycle it let me build the train.

 Of course, more **** broke loose with the front engines stumbling, mid engines shoving and the train derailing, engines misbehaving (1 with low battery maybe?), and finally a broken proto-coupler. Urrggg!

I don't know if I should blame the remote or the software yet? I'll see how it goes for awhile. I don't solve issues well when so many things go south.

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