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every time someone brings up crimping connectors, i look around for my tool, but for the past few years its location has alluded me.  today while going through some parts/ wire scrap boxes, just when i wasn't really looking, there it was...

unknown crimp tool-01unknown crimp tool-02

this ratchet action tool makes perfect crimps EVERY time.  the connector is held in place, the wire feeds in the perfect length and both the conductor and the insulation side of the connector clamp down with the exact amount of pressure required.

problem is that in 40 years of use, any trace of printing on the labels left is gone.  anyone recognize this tool?  i'd like to recommend it to everyone, but i have no idea if it's actually still made.  i've never seen another one.



Images (2)
  • unknown crimp tool-01
  • unknown crimp tool-02
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