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I decided to buy all the modern 1:48 vehicles as advertised by Menards.  They are advertising a van, ambulance, and a set of 1:48 vehicles (16).  I ordered them all at once.


Here is a pic of all of them (well the 16 autos are just sampled).







Searching images on google, i arrived at a match of the 2012 BMW 328i.  This matches very well.  Some obvious cosmetic differences are lack of BMW circle badge, no license plates, and the columns behind the front seats should be black on the outside, not red.  The side mirrors are also way too small.  Other than that, it is a very good (though not detailed) match.

 2012 bmw 328i


This model length  measures exactly 4-1/16" with my ruler.  The width is 1-5/8".  According to this website, the car should be 182.5 x 71.3".  So 182.5/4.0625 = 44.92 and 71.3/1.625 = 43.87.  This this is about a 1:44 vehicle.




This seems to match up to the 2012 VW Passat.  It does not match as closely as the BMW, so I may have the wrong model year.  But I don't think so.  The front headlights are a bit high in the body and the column in the rear seat doesn't angle right.  Otherwise stuff matches up, but not as well as the BMW.


This model length  measures exactly 4-1/8" with my ruler.  The width is 1-5/8".  According to this website, it should be 191.6x72.2.  So 191.6/4.125 = 46.69 and 72.2/1.625 = 44.4.  So this is about a 1:45 vehicle.




I am pretty sure this is a Nissan Altima, but I cannot find a good picture match on google.  Usually the front and back lights are slightly off.  Let's go with the 2010 sedan.


This model length  measures exactly 4-1/8" with my ruler.  The width is 1-9/16".  According to this website, it should be 190.7x70.7.  So 190.7/4.125 = 46.2 and 70.7/1.5625 = 45.23.  So this is about a 1:45 vehicle.


Overall, I think this is bad.  The headlights and taillights and front grill and back trunk lines don't match even closely to any photo I can find.  This seem like the worst so far.


Toyota Avalon




This is a 2012 Buick Lacrosse.  


This model length  measures exactly 4" with my ruler.  The width is 1-7/16".  According to this website, it should be 196.9x73.1.  So 196.9/4 = 49.23 and 73.1/1.625 = 50.9.  So this is about a 1:49 vehicle. YAYYY!  Finally something outside of the 1:43 realm. YAYYYY!  THIS IS A KEEPER FOR ME!  As a reality check, if I put it next to the other two I just reveiewed, it is clearly shorter and skinnier despite being based on a larger prototype.





Well I look through all the pics, and this is clearly Impreza WRX Hatchback.


LOOKS LIKE I GOT THIS ONE WRONG - I THOUGHT IT WAS THE OUTBACK.  The length is 3-15/16 and the width is 1-7/16






This is a 2010 Toyota Avalon  The front and rear lights are off by a little bit, but not as bad as some of the others above.


This model length  measures exactly 4-1/8" with my ruler.  The width is 1-5/8".  According to this website, it should be 197.6x72.8.  So 197.6/4.125 = 47.9 and 72.8/1.5625 = 46.59.  So this is about a 1:47 vehicle.  I WILL KEEP THIS!  YAYYY!!!! 




I haven't taken this out of the box yet, but it looks big.  I have two 1:48 pickups that I put next to it for comparision, but I cant' decide if the ambulance is really 1:48 or not.  It's hard to compare half-ton pickups to a 3/4 ton ambulance.  I'm not going to review this any further because somebody already did.  I don't think I'll keep this because it looks so big, but I'm not sure.









This is clearly a 2005 GMC Savana.  The cardboard container says 1:50 right in big letters, so I don't know why this is advertised on the web site as 1:48.  It's only 4" long or so.  That makes it a 1:55 model.  It won't roll more than an few inches if you push it because the wheels are really wobbly.  You'll be sorry if you put this guy on your layout next to 1:43 vehicles, but I am going to keep it because I love 1:50 vehicles.  They make my trains look bigger by comparision.



So there you have it.  The Menards van was very small.  Half the 16-pack of autos are 1:48-realm, while the rest would work better with other 1:43 entities.  Overall the BMW 328i was very accurate, though it was too big for me to use.  The Buick, Subarus,and Toyotas were my favorites and will be great for my layout.


I should mention that the 16-pack of cars had windup mechanisms where if you pulled them back, they will roll forward on their own for about six feet or so.


Images (11)
  • IMG_2852
  • 2012 bmw 328i
  • 2012 bmw 328i
  • 2013_subaru_outback_sideview
  • IMG_2852
  • IMG_2853
  • IMG_2854
  • IMG_2855
  • IMG_2856
  • Toyota Avalon
Last edited by Martin H
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I saw these, got excited at the $2 something per model, then saw the cars and thought nahhhhh, they just look too cheap.

Here's a couple of $6 Bimmers for comparison

The E92 is a New Ray model, the E63 is an Atlas Industrial Rail model.

Both have Roundels on both ends, the correct wheels for the car, neither has opening doors, hoods etc. Atlas even put the '645Ci' badge on the trunk, a nice touch for 6 bucks.

For what its worth, the nice 1:43 models they sell at the BMW dealer go for about $40 a piece. So these arent bad for the price. Modern cars of the pedestrian variety are not too hard to find. New Ray made a bunch of ordinary cars, Cararama (sp?), and if you can find the K-line cars, they did too. I've got some Lexuses, Saabs, a Miata, etc.... 






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  • IMG_3029
  • IMG_3028
Last edited by Boilermaker1
Thank you for the information. Looks like some fit the box dimensions going on a little here but overall who's counting.. We are!!

1/48 vehicles are nearly an impossibility. The Model Company has 7mm scale roughly 1:45 and Renwal made some fairly good examples.

Truthfully it's the variety of military kits by Tamyia for example that give us true 1:48 scale vehicles.

Martin, thanks for the time you devoted to measure the models, find prototype information, and post your findings.


Mark the Menards train guy posted his similar measurements in a 9/5 reply in my original thread on these products.  I lack the interest in these products to compare your measurements with his; but, perhaps you do.  In the event of discrepancies between the two perhaps you should post those here and/or send him them to him.


As for posting in the 2RS forum, this thread could just as well have been posted in the 3RS or Hi-Rail forum since these cars were advertised as 1/48 scale--folks in both forums would benefit from your thread since there are many in both who care about such details.

Outstanding Review!  Many years ago I was heavily into HO "Scale".  I put the word SCALE in quotation marks because I was obsessed with modeling EVERYTHING exactly in 1/87, Period!  That's why I transitioned into "O" Scale high rail.  It allows me a Boat Load of flexibility which in turn allows me to actually enjoy this great hobby!  That being said, I totally understand the 2-Rail philosophy and the search for Prototypically Correct Engines, Rolling Stock and yes, Vehicles.  However, if I can purchase vehicles for less than $3.00 each shipped and they are "close to scale"  I'm gonna buy a bunch of 'em which, as I said before, provides me with the flexibility and enjoyment that was missing while I modeled in 1/87 scale.

Even though I do not model 2-rail, I still find the posts interesting and informative as I maintain my own modeling philosophy and allows me to appreciate other modelers perspective as well.


Chief Bob (Retired)

The Subaru is the most problematic of the six.  It is too long and skinny to be a wrx, yet the front scoop and rear spoiler indicate that it is.  If you use the Outback length and width, you will get a scale result.  The  menards guy listed 180.9 inch length for the Subaru.  According to the internet the wrx hatchback is 174" long.  That's a huge discrepancy
Originally Posted by Ranger Rick:

You guys need to start buying the $125.00 cars from Die Cast if you are dissecting a $2.99 car so much. I am sure your additional $122.00 gets the detail you are looking for.  :-)



Rick, I understand you are kidding around.


Besides $125 being out of my budget for a model vehicle I (unlike most 2 railers) couldn't care less about the details on a vehicle. What I want is the correct dimensions. That's all. I basically want everyday cars from the steam era that are exactly like what is available in the affordable 1:43 scale cars except just a little smaller (especially thinner) so they look right in comparison with the trains. A little weathering and whatever details the automobile has will pop out. This is why I will never spring for a Brooklin. They are really detailed but still out of proportion with the trains.


If the trains are the stars of the show then autos are just extras in the background. They just have to fit the scene without taking the focus of the observer off the stars of the show.

Last edited by Hudson J1e

Auto Art does many European and Japanese vehicles, most in 1:18. Several of the 1:18 vehicles have 1:43 counterparts which are well done. Price wise, they fall in the $45-$60 range for the 1:43 and $120 and up for the 1:18 depending on model and features. I got this one as a gift several years ago right after I sold my 928. It's very well done and one of these days I'll buy the 1:18 version.




Images (1)
  • Auto-Art_Porsche_928s
Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
I've always loved those Land Sharks!

This one was especially nice.. S4 .. My buddy bought and off she went. Great cars.

I keep spot-checking the various auto sales boards. The one I'd like to get is a 1990 928GT or 1991-1995 928GTS. Prices are all over the place. The plan is to get one after I relocate. I briefly considered a Boxter S, but I don't think I'd be happy with it. It isn't high enough in the food chain. As Porsches go, the 928 wasn't as reliable as the 911 (according to dealer mechanics) but mine didn't give me a lot of problems -- it was just expensive to have serviced relative to my daily driver.

Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:
Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
I've always loved those Land Sharks!

This one was especially nice.. S4 .. My buddy bought and off she went. Great cars.

I keep spot-checking the various auto sales boards. The one I'd like to get is a 1990 928GT or 1991-1995 928GTS. Prices are all over the place. The plan is to get one after I relocate. I briefly considered a Boxter S, but I don't think I'd be happy with it. It isn't high enough in the food chain. As Porsches go, the 928 wasn't as reliable as the 911 (according to dealer mechanics) but mine didn't give me a lot of problems -- it was just expensive to have serviced relative to my daily driver.


Massive topic drift:


Matt, I bought a used 1971 911T about 1975. It was red and I met every CHP officer in the state and I didn't speed. One ticket on I5 in NoCal for going 2 mph over. Heck, I got pulled over at the toll booth on the Bay Bridge. Grr! I doubt Frank Poncharello would have done that to me. Unfortunately the valve covers leaked on that 911. Machining the faces was going to cost about $900. Maybe I should have bought a new 928.


I always wanted a yellow 914 but never pulled the trigger. Ah, youth...


Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
Cool story  Bill!

It's all history and this is about cars so hey! Let the good times roll.


My boy; well he's kind of getting exposed to the whir of the flat 6 early.

Yes. Train him early, especially in the ways of adjusting for "throttle-lift oversteer" on the track or during Solo-1 events.




I've heard that the problem with the earlier air-cooled 911's leaking oil was related to the thermal properties of the valve covers vs. the cylinders. The word is that if you drove them (or started them and let them idle) regularly the wouldn't leak, but if you let them sit for extended periods, they'd leak oil. I used to start my 928 weekly to keep the battery up (jump-starting one is "entertaining") and circulate the oil. I really miss that car.


Getting back on thread, the 911's and 911-based models are readily available in 1:43 from various sources and prices. That's about the only way I'll be able to afford a GT2.

For 3 bucks a car, Who expects to have correct mirrors?.....potentially, 2 rail isn't the place......


I appreciate the offerings, even if the mirrors are not correct. Menards seem to be the only outfit out there that is pricing things in line with the common man's wallet. I have three young kids... You know where my business goes. I don't think we need anymore $65 diecast. Of course, this is just me talking here...




Originally Posted by Ranger Rick:

You guys need to start buying the $125.00 cars from Die Cast if you are dissecting a $2.99 car so much. I am sure your additional $122.00 gets the detail you are looking for.  :-)




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