MTH Premier 8000 Gallon Tankcar
This model is typical of modern unibody tankcars. The model has an overall wheel base of 26 scale feet. The overall length of the body is 28 feet. The sample model shown is MTH #20-96116 which was released in 2005. The model was issued with two road numbers: CSX No. 63855, 63854. It has sprung Bettendorf style trucks. The lettering is nicely done. Notice the HAZMAT placards on the model.
Some MTH models of this car type were supplied with Rollerbearing style trucks which are appropriate for this modern car.
Note: MTH has since issued a similar model with enhanced details such as individual grab irons and a modified brakewheel assembly. See MTH #20-96191.
Help: Looking for prototype photos of this type of 8000 gallon tankcar.