I have researched about what to do about my loco which was purchased second hand in 2011 and am stymied.
Enclosed are pictures of what are 'the PS1 boards' and the motor as well and an 'end cap' picture of the box.
I suspect the motor may be bad but don't know how to check that out but if not then
how do I take the top board off like has been mentioned, to just run conventionally?
Is a 6 amp or more bridge rectifier with 4 leads as Dale H. suggested to bring everything back to
'conventional' mode which is what I am thinking of doing.
Have read GGG's & Gunrunner John's excellent comments as well as Dale H's thru all the threads.
Checking in the operating inst., there is a transformer listed which is a MRC Tech II, however it lists it as
'Variable AC' for outside & inside rails but I don't know how to use that to 'reset' my Dreyfuss.
So, if some of you guys could help direct me, it would be most appreciated.