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Wednesday, March 14, 2018


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America’s #1 snack food is recognized each year on March 14th.  On National Potato Chip Day, this snack will be enjoyed by millions of people across the country, especially those who run toy trains.

How the popular potato chip came to be.

On August 24, 1853, an unhappy restaurant customer, complaining that his potatoes were too thick and soggy, kept sending them back. Chef George Crum decided to slice the potatoes as thin as possible, frying them until crisp and added extra salt. To the chef’s surprise, the customer loved them, and they soon became a regular item on the restaurant’s menu under the name of “Saratoga Chips.”

And the rest, as they say, is delicious.


RMT says...What can be more American than a potato about the Statue of Liberty and toy trains?

99576 Statue of Liberty 50statue-of-liberty-lighted-w-base99576 Statue of Liberty HISTORY

 RMT offers a lighted, authentic replica with cast resin base, Statue of Liberty for your indoor or outdoor train display.

Regularly $189.99, on sale now for only $69.99 plus shipping. Go to RMT website to order today.

Thanks and enjoy your chips too!




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  • 99576 Statue of Liberty HISTORY
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Last edited by Walter Matuch
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