Sad but true, per their Facebook page...
2020 continues to be relentless on so many levels.
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It was a beautiful display. Always a wonderful experience. My kids really enjoyed every minute we visited. Sad news but I do understand and wish you well.
Opened in 1953, Roadside America was featured in TOY TRAINS Magazine. This is the last of the great Lionel postwar layouts
IS it just me? I feel like my whole world is collapsing!
Not to mention many Hobby; Model RR Shops have closed.
Shame that the 40k new roof mostly from donations is most likely going to be demolished....
Sad to see RA close.
Sixty-seven years is an impressive longevity for such an enterprise!
Sooner or later, all good things come to an end. Time keeps marching on.
Woke up an hour ago, turned on my phone, and theirs was the first post I saw. Not surprised, but it still hurts. I know businesses come and go, but with everything else going on, it just seems like one more nail in the coffin.
Could really use some good news for a change.
Truly a great work of art. There is something about a massive O gauge layout that captures the imagination of the observer like nothing else does. Let us raise a glass to those who have given so much of their time and talent to this wonderful work.
sorry I never had a chance to go there
Man, this is a bummer. I live less than an hour away and planned to bring my boys when they get a little older (4 and 1 years old). I was there once when I was a kid about 30 years ago during a family road trip before I moved to the area. I don't really remember it.
I drive past it regularly for work, but I have a coworker in the car who isn't interested so I've never stopped. I did notice a "for sale" sign that's visible from I78.
I’m glad I got to enjoy it more than once in my lifetime. Truly a marvelous display, and I’m sad to see it go.
I feel especially bad for my friends who worked there...
Very sad. A sign of the times. The rarely noticed elephant in the room is that trains are not as central to life as they were years ago, or, as interesting, for that matter. Us oldies have been whistling past the graveyard for decades. Such is life....progress...whatever. I think I'll go and run some trains.
A sad event for sure. For those who never saw it, Roadside America was not the usual plasticville or Lionel display train layout. What struck me as awesome when I visited some time ago was the many handmade structures hand built by the original builder, Laurence Gieringer, way back in early to mid 20th century. The entire layout had a "good and warm" feel few layout artists are able to achieve. Check out the pictures on-line...for copyright reasons I cannot paste them here. It goes without saying, that viewing pictures on-line won't be the same as seeing it in person.
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:IS it just me? I feel like my whole world is collapsing!
- Williams merges with Bachman and little product is coming out.
- no more Citibank Station in NYC
- K-line closes
- Weaver Closes
- MTH Closes
- Roadside America Closes
Not to mention many Hobby; Model RR Shops have closed.
You forgot to mention
1) Mike Reagan leaving Lionel
2) Losing Barry B, Marty F, and Jim Barrett just to name a few
Well, I have said this before and I will probably say it again before December 31.
2020 just keeps getting better and better.
I have been to Roadside America many times since I got back into trains in 1998. I have enjoyed each and every visit. I am greatly saddened that I won't be able to go there ever again. It was certainly an all time great and classic layout.
I still remember going there for our third grade field trip. I was in awe!
Made several trips back there over the years. I truly believe this is what officially started the train bug for me.
I've been there a few times, it was always an enjoyable visit. Sad to see it go, but I can't say I'm surprised based on the press for the last several years. I think the COVID shutdowns put the final nail in a lot of businesses.
BTW, of all the stuff that's been a bummer for 2020, you can add the cancellation of both York shows, not to mention most other larger shows! I normally hit York and Allentown twice every year, this year.... NADA!
Well, we had to edit and delete many posts here that went WAY off the purpose of this forum. Commenting on this forum about Satanic events, cults, the new world order, and all that kind of "stuff" is not allowed. We are not FB. If you want to participate in the madness, then do it there, not here! Topic closed.
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