This operating accessory uses a good amount of micro-switches to control its operation. The track itself uses one at each end to control the car's position prior to any other functions commencing. The rotary frame also uses these switches to schedule operations. You need to start checking operation of the switches for functionality.
Do you have any video of the present state of the unit.? A picture (video) is still worth a thousand words. Also, what was happening just prior to the unit not functioning? The more details you can supply, the more people will be able to help you.
Thanks for the knowledge, I will be sharing it with my oldest son who is my technical support.
Will let you know when we have exhausted all suggestions.
ol blue Southern Michigan
why could lionel not help? Do they not support the accessory anymore? usually they have someone they can recommend for repair.
Only know what the rep. told us when we called the at Lionel. Also have a BNSW That they could not fix or the Better shop in Saginaw, Mi. they looked at and sent it back unassembled and charged me their time and not fixed.