the difference between the two layouts is the SD 3R's is organized as a club, you join and can run whatever you want as long as it will run on a 3 rail track. I, running on most tuesdays will permit any visiting train person who brings a 3 rail engine, to pull what I am running. the engine does not have to be scale.
the old town railroad depot as I understand it, is a 3 rail scale only layout. it is wired as a dcs layout but, if you bring your legacy base you may hook up. however you must run scale trains. the rules that the depot has made is because a single person used their own funds to build this layout.
this person used to run at the 3r's layout but did not like the way the layout was run. mainly that we decorate for holidays and run anything that can run on three rails and they wanted to turn the 3r's into a scale layout and modernize the 3r's. there was a dispute with other members at a membership meeting and it was voted to keep the 3r's as a 50 to 60's theme and not modernize the 3r's layout. several people have left the club as a result of this and they ran mostly on the weekends so we are having a small issue filling the weekend slots.
However, we are fully committed to continuing the 3r's well into the future and have already signed up enough members to replace the members who have decided not to renew their membership.
We hold no hard feelings and even have the depot's flyer to hand out when people want to know if there are any other train places to visit.