Originally Posted by Mill City:
I have seen these photos before and found it to be a fascinating vehicle. Here's a promo I found for this bus:
A link to an article in the Daily Journal World, Lawrence, Kansas, Thursday, July 30, 1942. It explains how the driver survives turns.
I worked at the Sunflower Munitions plant in the '70s (for an outside contractor) and everything was made out of wood just like the bus. I thought that was quite interesting at the time. It was amazing what all they did with wood. I had never heard of the wooden bus though, that's also pretty amazing. Would have been neat if they would have kept one out there.
Now, your article link from the Lawrence news paper says the bus was used to take workers to the Sunflower plant for work. I live just a few miles East of the Sunflower plant, or what is left of it. They were going to try and use it for an amusement park, but last I heard the clean up was too costly so what is left of it is just sitting out there rotting away. Haven't heard any more about if for several years.