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More progress for sawmill area. I decided to make a pump house to sit on the pond edge. I hot glued a foamcore building structure to cover with the roof and siding. I still have to add a light inside and one outside and then plant on area and scenic with junk and ground cover. I also scratched a pipe rack out of some styrene  shapes.

Cutting coffee stir sticks to cover walls

Adding wood grain with Zona saw

All stained with black shoe polish

By putting boards on paper plate, elevating one end allows the stain to be darker on bottom ends of boards when on wall. The wood grain that is added with saw really shows once stained

Now I added paint color onto boards so that some of the bare boards show through( peeling paint )

Here is the pipe rack painted and some weathering powder for rust

Boards glued onto foamboard, strips of black construction paper glued to card stock roofs 

There are two front posts that go under front roof but they will get glued in once it is planted on layout

More photos once it's on the layout

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bigtruckpete posted:

You nailed the look of an old rickety shed! 

How does the foam board hold up over time with the glue? Does it warp? Do you have to reglue any parts that fall off?

Thanks Pete, Charlie and Pennsynut.  Pete the foamcore box is hot glued together. It is very strong and lightweight. I have other buildings that have been around for years. Only thing you have to make sure of is if you make a larger structure you put some kind of stiffeners/bracing inside as the larger pieces tend to warp a little over time. The boards on the outside of the foamcore are glued on with outdoor carpenters wood glue.  ( water doesn't effect it once cured).


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