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Today and this week I have been weathering my Pennsy Rock walls from scenic Express. Currently I’m staining the walls with years an years of ground water stains.  When they are finished I will glue them to the inside tunnel walls...

I need to figure out which of the many matte sprays to use to seal the pastel weathering powder.  On another forum they were using Dullcote...


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  • Scenic Pennsy Walls: Weathering
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@Seth Thomas posted:

Today and this week I have been weathering my Pennsy Rock walls from scenic Express. Currently I’m staining the walls with years an years of ground water stains.  When they are finished I will glue them to the inside tunnel walls...

I need to figure out which of the many matte sprays to use to seal the pastel weathering powder.  On another forum they were using Dullcote...

Are these the flexible ones?

Yes Trainlover, these Pennsy rock walls are the flexible foam formed walls.  The caps over the joint are rigid.

I will share with you that my first method attempt to weather the Stone wall was with India ink mixture.  After several tries on a number of sections I found two issues. One, the formed walls are like sponges, absorbed the ink and isorphil? Alcohol. Results, No weather look whatsoever. Second, The alcohol ruins the spray paint covering.

So, my alternative weather process was learning to use the artists powder pastels.

The rock formed walls are fantastic, look great, I can trim out the opposite side to bend around a near 90 degree corner, or bend around a curve.

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