For our club modular layout, we stipulate that accessories are powered separately from the main lines. This is based on years of experience starting with conventional operations in the pre-TMCC era where a faulty accessory (shorts, etc.) would stop main line operation and caused frustrating troubleshooting efforts while visitors wanted to watch the trains running. DCS signal demons made our standards evolve to requiring that all main lines have their own discrete grounds. The grounds are joined (i.e. common) at one place - the TIU outputs - and that is were we connect the TMCC signal input wire. The lesson here is the more you strive for separating the operating components of your layout, the easier troubleshooting becomes.
A home layout, where one individual (you) are the only cook stirring the wiring implementation, can be less formal. You can track down which of many of the accessories that failed a bus at your leisure.
Practically speaking, I try to use a lot of accessories and lights on my modules. Since multiple voltages are required, I have a collection of small post-war transformers that are put into service for specific accessories and trim the voltage for best illumination and operation.