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My mistake - I shorted out the smoke unit fan motor on a 20-2261 Propane Turbine.  Now the fans do not work and the lights on top of the cab go on very bright.  Constant voltage board?  Does any one around the Detroit area have the parts to fix my problem?  If necessary I can bring the engine to York.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks Bruce

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Is this a PS 2 engine?  OR a PS-1 conventional engine?  If it is the PS-2 model most likely no CV board, and when you shorted the 5V circuit the fan uses you damaged a micro chip that controls lights, or the FET is shorted.  I would not run the engine in this condition as the bulb can get hot enough to melt some plastic.


What is the model # and which light specifically are bright?  G


Now the fans do not work

That is either a shorted fan motor or, more likely, the FET that controls the fan.

 and the lights on top of the cab go on very bright.

That's most likely a blown FET that controls the lights, since when it fails it passes track voltage straight through to the bulbs. That's what's causing the bulbs to glow brighter than normal.


If you run the engine that way you have a good chance of blowing out the bulbs, as well.

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